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"Pass" and "Fail" is easier Stick to letter grades
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 "Pass" and "Fail" is easier (2)
 Stick to letter grades (6)

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aodebate(35) pic

Should grades be changed from "A", "B", "C", etc to just "Pass" or "Fail"?

Wouldn't it be easier to just know if you're failing or not or does it depend on knowing how badly you're failing or well you're doing?

"Pass" and "Fail" is easier

Side Score: 2

Stick to letter grades

Side Score: 10
1 point

I think it should change to "Pass or Fail" because at least if you DO get a pass , fail , grade , then you know your doing work and passing . That way , if you fail , all you can doi s the work and then pass again ! ^__^

difficult to explain actually...........

Side: "Pass" and "Fail" is easier

If we changed that, it would be better because people wouldn't be all like "Oh! I got and A- and you only got a B+. ha. hahahaHA! It's the same thing... GOODNESS!

Side: "Pass" and "Fail" is easier
5 points

So what if "pass" and "fail" are easier, there's a big difference to most people between passing with a 51% and passing with a 94%. I was almost always an A+ student, so I'd like to get that grade, not a grade which puts me in the same league as those "good" slackers who wind up managing to get a passing grade.

Side: Stick to letter grades
1 point

Stick to letter grades, it is more rewarding and meaningful.

Side: Stick to letter grades
1 point

Letter grades. Easier to identify and it shows where you are. Pass means above passing limit, which is alot of percentage, while failing is below, with quite a few of percentage. Besides, it is easier to see how good you did on your paper then seeing, "Well, you passed, but you don't know how well you did".

Side: Stick to letter grades
1 point

It shouldn't be changed. Every student should know their level. How they are smart or not.

Side: Stick to letter grades
1 point

Prefer getting a grade of A, B,C etc. so used to it would be strange if it changed... for me anyway :)

Side: Stick to letter grades

The traditional letter grades provide a student with the initiative to excel instead of just remaining average.

Side: Stick to letter grades