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Debate Score:6
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Hulkbusters(544) pic

Should the United States pay off its debt?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2

No let's keep the United States in debt ;)

.. of course they should. Why would anyone wish debt on anyone?

Side: Yes

We have borrowed almost too much and I dont think we shoupd keep doing it as if we can borrow forever.

Side: Yes
1 point

Of course.

But this is easier said than done.

The thing about debt, is that while we are in debt to many other countries, they are in debt to us as well. This huge number that blares on your TV screen isn't as bad if you let other countries debt cancel out.

But yes, while our debt isn't as bad as we think, the fact that we state we are the best country in the world, but we have more debt than a college student with a visa, we need to pay it off. It's not impossible, but it will be difficult. Needless to say, the government needs to tighten it's belt and get it done.

Side: Yes

Debt is a burden and the United States should pay off its debt.

Side: Yes
1 point

Can it afford to?

Side: No
1 point

No. I believe the U.S should never pay off their debt. They should try and get in more debt as a matter a fact. We should just bathe in the debt.

Side: No