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Influence you It doesn't affect you
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Influence you (3)

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Nelson(22) pic

Some music, singers, bands influences your mood and thinking?

What about their lyrics? Not including classical, Are the lyrics also have an influence on you? Rap, rock, etc. What if a song encourages violence? How do you explain that to the kids?

Influence you

Side Score: 4

It doesn't affect you

Side Score: 0
2 points

well, research was done and it shows that Country Music causes the most depression. So, suicide is more likely to happen because of a kid listening to country muzik, not Metal... lol.

Side: Influence you

Absolutely. The reason athletes listen to pump up music before a game is to get their adrenaline flowing. I actually remember playing a soccer game once, and I heard one of my favorite songs come on in the background. Maybe it was just in my head, but I played better for that short period of time.

At the same time, music can be relaxing and relive stress. I believe music definitely influences your mood.

Side: Influence you
1 point

Reggae always puts me in a good mood, and simply makes me a more peaceful person.

Side: Influence you
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