
Debate Info

false true
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 false (7)
 true (8)

Debate Creator

atypican(4875) pic

Targeted assasinations with drones are.......

.....making the world a safer place


.....a morally superior alternative to conventional war


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 9

Its all perspective, for the people living in the country and terrorists? No.

Side: false
1 point

This is a Limited Choice fallacy. No matter how we answer within your guidelines, it makes us seem we're agreeing with you.

Side: false

For us neutralizing the terrorist threat? Yes.

Side: true
atypican(4875) Disputed
1 point

Explain how drone strikes should not be considered a terrorist threat.

Side: false
2 points

Drone strikes aren't used to create fear. Drone strikes are used to specifically target known offenders. People who are targeted for drone strikes did something to be targeted. With terrorist attacks the victims are random causing fear for everyone. Drone strikes cause fear of being a criminal which everyone already has.

Side: true
1 point

If the statement perception is 95% reality, then yes I perceive we are safer therefore I am safer.

Side: true
atypican(4875) Disputed
1 point

Now, whoever learns to hack drones has a multi billion dollar arsenal at their disposal. Yikes!

Side: false

I think we should be more responsible with drone strikes, but using conventional warfare in all countries where there are terrorists? Hell no!

Side: true