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 Tell us how the words Tolerance, inclusiveness, open mindedness, equate with deplorable. (1)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Tell us how the words Tolerance, inclusiveness, open mindedness, equate with deplorable.

When you look at what has become of the Democrat Party, it truly is amazing watching the biggest hypocrites on this planet. They of course could not get away with it were it not for fake media.

When you envision a Party that truly holds to the tenets of tolerance, inclusiveness, open mindedness, etc., do you even remotely think of the Democrat Party? Have you ever witnessed such hatred towards Conservatives, Bible believing Christians, Special Need's babies, etc.?

Think of these words constantly used by the Left when fawning all over activist LGBTQRSUVWXYZ groups and other voting blocks. You would actually believe they have respect for opposing opinions and ideologies. You would be wrong!

The Democrat Party has become the Party of exclusion. They actually believe if you voted for Trump or any other Conservative, you are deplorable, irredeemable, a woman hater, a hater of the poor, a hater of immigrants, a hater of moderate Muslims, a hater of children, etc. etc. etc.

So the next time you listen to people on the Left spewing these words of supposed compassion, try not to vomit. Try not laughing too hard and possibly causing a hernia.

Just remember when it comes to the mentality of people who actually vote for these people, low end voters is far too kind.
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So I guess the meaning of tolerance has been twisted by the Left. Tolerance is now conditional. It will only be afforded to those who follow the tenets of the Lefts political correct ideology.

If you are a Conservative woman, or Conservative Black man, the tolerance from the Left is no where to be found.
