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 The Democrat Party has been completely taken over by their extreme Liberal wing. (7)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The Democrat Party has been completely taken over by their extreme Liberal wing.

The Democrat Party no longer even bothers with the pretense of having moderates in their Party.

If you are the one in a million Prolife Democrat who actually cares for Special Need's babies, you are silenced and kept from view.

If you are the one in a million Democrat who cares for all Americans rather than just your LGBTQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP, feminist, pro abortion, lobbies, you are silenced.

If you are the one in a million Democrat that wanted to vote for Trump's tax cuts for the working man, you were shot down.

If you are the one in a million Democrat that wanted to help Trump prevent illegal immigration, you were shot down in favor of the future illegal immigrant Government dependent vote.

If you are the one in a million Democrat that wants some requirements from able bodied people who make careers out of welfare, you are silenced because with larger welfare roles comes more Democrat votes. Why would you want to make it more difficult for able bodied people to make careers out of welfare? They are your Golden Goose that lays the Democrat vote.

If you are the one in a million Democrat that was against Obamacare, you were silenced.

My only question is why any of these one in a million Democrat Politicians stay in the Democrat Party? The answer is that they are complete phonies still pretending to be moderates to the low end voters in moderate States.


They are 100% radical obstructionists who want to transform America to a socialist European clone. Change Parties if you are not a phoney as well.
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2 points

What we do know is that many Democrats are in favor of shutting down the government, hurting working class Americans in favor of supporting the illegal invaders. The Democratic party has gone so far to the left that Americans are no longer their number one priority. It is very sad that they have taken this route.

2 points is truly amazing watching the total hypocrisy of Democrats who claim to be the tolerant compassionate ones, while showing their total disdain for Americans who are not part of their political correct groups.

ChuckNorris0(-2) Disputed
0 points

What we do know is that many Democrats are in favor of shutting down the government

What we do know is that the American right wing are bigger liars than the Nazis. One day they claim Liberals want oppressive, big government, and the next day they claim Liberals want to shut down the government. Pretty much everything they say contradicts something else they have said.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It was the Democrat Party consantly demonizing the GOP whenever they tried to stop the never ending debt limit increases. The Democrat Party told everyone how the Republicans hated Americans for possibly shutting down the Government.

Look at these same hypocritical fools now being the ones who would gladly shut down the Government for sake of their future illegal immigrant votes, at the expense of American workers.

When I listen to supposed prolife Americans who vote for the No Restriction abortion Democrat party, I see complete phonies who could not care less for the life of these innocent unborn lives.

1 point

I don’t think you can say this demoniacal statement any better I totally agree. I am not a democrat or never will be but I respect their opinion. I do feel like in a few years or so there will be no democrat party it will be taken over by the liberals and I will be so disappointed to what our world has come too.

I respected what President Kennedy said when he made the statement, ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.

Since those words, the Democrat party has sold it's soul to pandering for votes rather than doing what's best for America.