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 The Democrat party loves regulations until it comes to abortion. Got a spare room? (2)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The Democrat party loves regulations until it comes to abortion. Got a spare room?

Funny how when it comes to regulations for business or guns, Democrats are all over it. They are the party that loves regulations. If there is ANY chance of possible future harm to anyone or anything, they say we must regulate! These new gun measures would not have prevented any of the mass killings they use to push their anti gun agenda, but they always say it might save some future lives.

Now when it comes to safety regulations for abortion clinics in Texas, the Democrat party wouldn't care if Barney Fife and Otis performed abortions in Mayberry's spare jail cell.
All of a sudden the burben put on abortion clinics MATTERS! They say these regulations are too burdensome and costly for the rare chance of something bad happening. COMPLETE about face to their usual regulate first, ask questions later approach to guns and business.

Here is a link speaking to the recent supreme court case on Texas abortion clinic regulations.

Has there ever been a more hypocritical two faced party of double standards?

When it comes to abortions, the possible safety of women or the babies who might be born alive from botched abortions, matter not. In these rare case, the big moeny from feminists and the abortion lobby is all that matters.

If you actually think Democrats care for women, or African Americans, or the LGBT community slaughtered in that nightclub, you are a fool! They care about getting your money and vote, and then could care less if you live or die.
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If there is ANY chance of possible future harm to anyone or anything, they say we must regulate!

Exactly! Which is why abortion is legal, as it should be!

By allowing it, the Dems are protecting the Mother from having a life she doesn't want. From being enslaved and possibly impoverished by motherhood and raising a kid she doesn't need or want or cannot raise.

Abortion also protects a potential kid from an entire childhood or life of poverty. Neglect. Abuse. Addiction. And then when they reach adults, so very many kids like that have more unwanted kids they cannot care for and the cycle begins again.

The fetus has no rights. It is not a citizen, but only a part of the mother. Thus the Constitution has nothing to say on fetal rights. There ARE none. So with abortion we are protecting the rights of the mother. As well as her rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

We also save the taxpayers more money. Thus helping the economy.

We also prevent future crime, as many studies have shown how the Crime rate took a HUGE DIP some 18-25 years AFTER Roe v Wade.

Abortion is win/win. Nobody loses. (the fetus is not a person, hence a Nobody.)

Thank God for the Dems!! Always watching out for us! You should right them a letter of gratitude rather than attack them.

Long live Roe v Wade!!!

Down with fetuses who are going to probably grow into parasitic and crime-committing adults.


FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

What kind of fool says it is ok to kill someone because they MIGHT have a hard life.

WHO CARES the possible quality of life of a human being when it means killing another? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with killing someone for sake of self! That's barbaric!

That's like saying some mother of a two year decides she hates her life and would rather not have her baby. FOOLS LIKE YOU SEND THE MESSAGE IT'S OK TO KILL THE BABY if it is causing you a hard life! Oh wait, you say it is illegal to kill a two year old!

YES, AS IT USED TO BE AGAINST THE LAW TO KILL THAT SAME BABY WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER! But then we separated our moral values and became selfish inhuman animals. Worse than animals. Most animals don't kill their young.

Those on the Left scream if some hunter killed a pregnant deer and her unborn calf. Why would that matter if the unborn are just clumps of tissue. This is when the Left uses common sense when it comes to killing animals. But when it comes to killing human unborn Babies, they say KILL for sake of self!

What happened to people when they separated God and moral values from our culture? They became selfish monsters willing to sacrifice their own children for sake of self.

Just call the innocent living growing human life the medical name for our unborn children (fetus) and then WHALA it is now ok to kill. Oh, and never forget to use the deceptive moronic excuse that we are talking about life of mother abortions (when we are not) to try and make yourself almost look like you have some humanity.

What inhuman fools there are on the Left.

You are such the bigoted fool, you smear feces on Christian literature in Churches. Nuff said. Bye