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 The Evolution Of A Democrat (5)

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VenusEve(170) pic

The Evolution Of A Democrat

After years of anal-retentive attitudes and bad behavior by Republican relatives, and

open-minded attitudes and caring behavior by Democrat friends, I have become a Democrat.

It is the only rational path to individual freedom and true love.Innocent

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Huh...., and here I thought that being a Democrat was an evolutionary dead end ;)

1 point

What has this to do with debate it? There's even a normal position.

A Democrat is simply someone who has loyalty to the brand of his or her party: specifically, the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, that isn't particularly constructive, and no more constructive than being a "Republican". It's more important to consider what kind of vision of life you have, and to work towards that end, regardless of party affiliation. And, in the case of a representative holding and fighting for a similar vision of life, you vote for that person. As political animals, we argue and struggle over these visions of life - and they ought to be argued and struggled over, but you should never conflate that struggle with the facade of being Democratic or Republican.

1 point

Hmm, becoming a democrat will let you find true love?

Better spread the news around, it'll bring in hordes of new supporters :)

1 point

Whenever I smoke weed, I can sometimes get vary paranoid about the wealthy elite and never making it in life, as well as thinking that all of my minority friends (including myself) are under-privileged and unable to make it in life, so we need a system to depend on.

When I sober up, I become rational, free of paranoia, and thank God that I'm not normally that stupid.

On the other hand, weed doesn't always do that to me. Only if I let the paranoia get to me. As well, I think that morals and values become important and see myself as an immoral, dangerous intellectual who holds nothing dear to him. So it works on both sides of the spectrum.

Side: Paranoia