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OMG! Help the underdog! Warner and Obama rule!
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The Virginia Senate Race: Surge for the Underdog? Or Add Another Democrat to the Senate?

Desperate or in the bag?

Mark Warner(D) is comfortably ahead of Jim Gilmore(R), ranking anywhere from 55% to 61% depending upon the pollster. The Republican National Senatorial Committee has apparently given up on Gilmore, viewing the senate race as one they cannot win. In a recent debate, both were eerily in agreement about issues such as financial regulation in response to the recent economic downturn, gun control, and even drilling. Huh? Gilmore has apparently settled, out of desperation, for bringing up Warner's connection with Obama, figuring perhaps that if he can't win, he can at least play a teensy role in disparaging the presidential candidate. The fight for Virginia's electoral votes is tight, with percentages evenly split between McCain and Obama. One might win, but the other might leave claw marks on the darling, Obama.

OMG! Help the underdog!

Side Score: 0
Winning Side!

Warner and Obama rule!

Side Score: 0
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