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 The bigoted Left so hate our majority Christian nation, they risk terrorists coming here! (7)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

The bigoted Left so hate our majority Christian nation, they risk terrorists coming here!

Any sane person would say, LET NO REFUGEES INTO THIS NATION unless they are 100% sure they do not support Islamic terrorism. This is common sense!

Not to Democrats...... why do you suppose they are so quick to allow many many more Muslim refugees into this nation, refugees that can not be properly vetted, most of who will never leave when their home lands are safe once more.

The Democrat Party no longer wants our nation's Christian voice to counter their Godless Transformation of America. You see, true Christians have been a thorn in the Left's ideology for decades. To transform a nation to their Godless ideology, they must reduce the percentages of our Christian population. They need more Muslims even if it brings terrorists to our Malls, etc.

Nothing else makes any sense. To Democrats, it is always about politics no matter the harm to America.
If you actually think the Democrat party has compassion or cares for refugees, remember how these are the very people censoring our freedoms of religious expressions. They are the intolerant closed minded politicians who only want the right kind of diversity in our schools and nation.
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I hate to say this because I don't like to even come close to making light of mental illness, but I really think it takes a serious amount of mental and emotional instability to hold this many paranoid delusions. I think FromWithin is one or two unfortunate life events away from an act of terrorism, or at least a violent outburst.

2 points

Any sane person would say, LET NO REFUGEES INTO THIS NATION unless they are 100% sure they do not support Islamic terrorism. This is common sense!

Actually a sane person would look to preventing the people who actually end up becoming terrorists from becoming terrorists. While the Republicans fight about refugees coming into the country and the Democrats fighting about gun control, no one is talking about actually stopping terrorism.

Not to Democrats...... why do you suppose they are so quick to allow many many more Muslim refugees into this nation, refugees that can not be properly vetted, most of who will never leave when their home lands are safe once more.


The Democrat Party no longer wants our nation's Christian voice to counter their Godless Transformation of America.

False. They don't want your hate filled anti Christian voice.

You see, true Christians have been a thorn in the Left's ideology for decades.

False. You aren't acting like a Christian.

To transform a nation to their Godless ideology, they must reduce the percentages of our Christian population. They need more Muslims even if it brings terrorists to our Malls, etc.

It is sad that you really have no idea what is going on in your own country.

Nothing else makes any sense. To Democrats, it is always about politics no matter the harm to America.

Do you know how fucking dumb you sound saying that a political party is only about politics?

If you actually think the Democrat party has compassion or cares for refugees, remember how these are the very people censoring our freedoms of religious expressions.

If you think that the color red is red just remember that blue is blue.

They are the intolerant closed minded politicians who only want the right kind of diversity in our schools and nation.

This is actually mostly done by the right. Oops.

2 points

FromWithin has said this many times about the left and now its my turn.

The right is filled with ignorant hypocrites who vote for candidates that add to our almost $20 Trillion and blame it all on the left. They blame the people trying to protect our secular nation for censorship. All they care about is protecting their religion and heritage. They call oppression "freedom". They hold to many of their paranoid delusions of terrorism as an excuse for more security of immigrants, but when it comes to their guns, they want complete "freedom" to access. To them, security is wrong for them but cry "terrorist" when someone is trying to flee their country from it.

FromWithin is a disgrace to Christianity with his hateful voice. Forcing your religion onto others isn't Christianity.

Both parties(sides) have their issues, but shifting the blame to one side and pretending they have all the answers isn't going to solve the problem.

You are also making a disgrace out of the right too.

You are voting to screw our country by voting for Trump.

Ah, the good old name calling session is high on the agenda tonight.

The left are blackguards and charlatans. Their dogma will lead the nation to bankruptcy and a 1930s ''hey buddy can you spare a dime''?,style depression,

The right are prejudiced and bigoted supremacists whose policies will lead to increased civil unrest, heightened international tension and confrontation.

Let's hope the nation will choose wisely.

1 point

Except in this country, the right wing candidate's policies are set to add 5.3 trillion to the debt, while the left wing candidate's policies are set to add 200 billion.

Which means the right are "prejudiced and bigoted supremacists whose policies will lead to increased civil unrest, heightened international tension and confrontation" as well as having policies that "will lead the nation to bankruptcy and a 1930's "hey buddy can you spare a dime", style depression".

Your words, not mein. Oh, sorry, Freudian slip.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

So, what's your problem with my predicted outcome?

No Freudian slip, that's my assessment of what will happen in the event of whichever party wins.

Are you dyslexic? If so, that's okay, if not you're one slovenly layabout.

Once again, note the spelling of the word mine, not mein.

Mein is a German word meaning, my, as in 'Mein Kampf', 'My struggle'.

Now do try to keep up old bean and practice your spelling over the weekend and I'll test you again on Monday.

You our the wurst spiller I hav ever noown.

The answer lies in the Bible. The Lord has smitten the loonie lefties with madness, blindness and astonishment of the heart.

So, saith the Lord.