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 The priorities of the Democrat Party are so messed up, it's amazing anyone votes for them. (10)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

The priorities of the Democrat Party are so messed up, it's amazing anyone votes for them.

Since Trump came into the spotlight, we are witnessing the true hypocritical judgmental nature of the Left.

These same so called tolerant, openminded, inclusive phonies have been crucifying Trump for past Locker room talk, claims he  touched some women on the side of their butts years ago. So I guess the judgmental Left now believes a person is guilty till proven innocent.

How would you like to be judged for anything you did years ago, or things you may have said in the locker room? Do you hypocrites even understand what being judgmental is?

So lets compare the evils and priorities of both sides ok?

Trump wants to protect American's by keeping illegal immigrants out, keeping possible terrorists out, protecting even viable babies from being killed, once again giving back to the hard working middle class more of their own money, etc.

The Democrat Party keeps it legal to kill even viable unborn babies for any reason.
They want to make it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves with guns.
They want to force EVERY pubic school to allow so called Transgender boys in your daughter's bathrooms.
They forced every State to bow to Gay activists and change their marriage laws.
They constantly raise fees and taxes to pay for their never ending Big Government growth of social programs, helping able bodied people make careers out of living off others. They do this to buy the votes of these able bodied people.

We witness the priorites of both sides every day.

The Right want's to support the Consitution making America great again.

The Left wants to transform America to yet one more socialist European nation living under the dictates of the United Nations.

The Left wants to transform America while the Right wants to make it great once again.

The Left wants to reward laziness and irresponsibility, while the Right wants to once again reward hard work, while lifting up the benefits of moral responsible lifestyles.

The Left wants every American living off Government in some form, while the Right wants every American living off the fruits of good jobs and hard work.

The Left has no problem with our children being raised by case workers, while the Right's vision is every child being raised by their Mother and Father.

The differences between the Left and Right is unbelievable, and it is amazing our culture has fallen to such a place whereby the Democrat Party has become the welfare Party. VOTE FOR ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU FREE STUFF! FREE COLLEGE, FREE HOUSING, FREE FOOD, FREE HEALTHCARE, FREE FREE FREE.......wait  minute? Who pays for all this free stuff when we are 20 TRILLION in debt?
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Where liberal utopianism is advanced through gradualism rather than revolution, albeit steady and persistent as in democratic societies, it can deceive and disarm an unsuspecting population, which is largely content and passive. It is sold as reforming and improving the existing society's imperfections and weaknesses without imperiling its basic nature. Under these conditions, it is mostly ignored, dismissed, or tolerated by much of the citizenry and celebrated by some. Transformation is deemed innocuous, seemingly well intentioned, and perhaps constructive but not a dangerous trespass on fundamental liberties.

1 point

You hear them chattering about raising the water temperature slowly to boil the frog.

They want to cook boil frogs alive! They must be in league with those French barbarians!

1 point

So now we will hear from those on the Left, how both sides are just as bad. LOL, there could never be a more clear distinction between the two Parties.


1 point

The Dempcrat Party also wants to allow illegal immgrants into this nation for what purpose?

More votes from those millions more able bodied people looking for handouts.

It's called socialism 101, and Europe is showing the results. Muslims are changing Europes entire culture.


Since Trump came into the spotlight, we are witnessing the true hypocritical judgmental nature of the Left.

Jesus. You'd think pointing out Nazis would be a simple thing.

There are Nazis all over this site. It makes me feel icky. Somewhere Hitler is smiling. :-(

JacqueFresco(10) Disputed
1 point

I haven't encountered a real nazi on this entire site.

You people think that disliking a religion is racist and that all nationalists are white nationalists.

TzarPepe(763) Clarified
0 points

Why is it important to point out the national socialists?

TzarPepe(763) Clarified
2 points

The difference between national socialists(nazis, fascists, socialists) and global socialists(communists, anarcho-idealists, socialists) is really simply what defines the nation that is ruled by the all powerful entity that calls itself the state in the name of socialism.

If you fell for one, you might as well have fallen for the other, because they are damn near the same thing described in different language.