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There is more than enough Islam in The Netherlands

This debate is for Dutch people only.

It seems that after the 9/11 attacks in New York, anti-Islamism increased a lot in The Netherlands. People started associating the Islam with violence and terrorism.


According to research done by the American PEW Research Centre in 2005, Dutch people are the most negative towards the Islam in comparison with North-America, European countries, India and China. (Vellenga, S. J., & Tinnemans, W. 2009).


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2 points

I do not agree with this statement. Islam is associated with negativity in the Netherlands, that is for sure. I think that Islamic people are often very nice however I have heard of stories that people, especially in third world countries, take advantage of the fact that Islamic people listen to their leader. I believe that via this leader they influence the normal thoughts of the human beings, just like a pastor could do as well. So I do mind if getting more Islam in the Netherlands means that the Islamic people listen that good to their leaders. As is normal in the Netherlands, everyone can have its own opinion and that is the one that is valued most. So no following of another one's thoughts, just creating your own vision of life.

2 points

I don't agree. Islam is a growing religion in the Netherlands. The demand for mosques is still growing. As long as the amount of muslims is increasing, the amount of space for Islam should also increase. I highly value respect for everybody's views and even though I'm not a muslim myself, I'm perfectly fine with other people being muslims. Even if 90% of Dutch people would convert to Islam, I'd be perfectly fine with that. I don't think people should be limited in their religious possibilities.

1 point

that's not true. what about all the other religions in the Netherlands. what about Christians and Jews and Hindus. nothing is said about them. why can a nun be respected when she wears the veil because she is christian, and yet, when a Muslim women wears the veil, it is so-called 'intimidating' or an 'act of terrorism'. it makes no sense!

If you got way too many of them Islam peoples over there in the Netherlands, ship 'hem out to some other country ;)

1 point

Probably true, only fact is that Moslims and even Christians are 200 years behind in thinking. Science is overruling their statements which makes the Dutch as rational country probably front liners to question Moslims.

1 point

I somewhat agree with this statement. I think it is ridiculous how many mosks there are nowadays. However everybody has the right to believe whatever they want to believe, as long as they don't force it onto anybody else.

1 point

I think that the Islam might be dangerous for The Netherlands. The extremists among the Muslims tend to believe whatever their Imam tells them and do whatever their Imam tells them to do. They believe that if you kill people with a suicide attack you get to live forever in a beautiful paradise with loads of virgins etc. This is ridiculous. Also I don't like how they treat women. Women should be able to show their beauty and not hide it. This way Islamic men are so sensitive when it comes to female beauty and female skin. This is not very convenient when you live in The Netherlands where women walk around in short skirts and long hair. This causes dangerous situations when Muslim men are not used to this and cannot control themselves anymore.

1 point

I do not think there is more than enough Islam in The Netherlands. In my opinion there is not a limit on how much religious people per religion are in a country or how many people are following the "rules" of this religion, especially in The Netherlands. Everyone should feel open en free to express their religion, as long as the religion is not hurting others. The Islam itself is not hurting the Dutch society. Also I think by focussing on the negative opinions towards the Islam the Islam gets a lot of negative attention and some groups are simply copying these thoughts. All different groups in society have its negative and positive sides and people should try to see both sides in order to diminish tensions between the ethnic groups.

1 point

I agree partly! Yes there is enough of them but mostly because they don't life according to the Dutch culture. If they would just live as dutchies there would be no problem but they stick to their religion and I think this causes a lot of trouble.

1 point

I also agree on this stagement for my boyfriend! He hasn't an createdebate login!

Jasper says he agrees with the statement!

Onze normen en waarden zijn gestoeld op de Nederlandse Cultuur. Dat betekent dat wij bepaalde gebeurtenissen vieren, die afstammen van het katholieke geloof (pinksteren, pasen maar ook carnaval en sinterklaas). Ik vind dat deze behouden moeten blijven, en ben bang dat een overdaad aan Islam dit tegengaat.

0 points

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