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 Top Aide leaves door open for a Third Hillary Presidential Run! (3)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Top Aide leaves door open for a Third Hillary Presidential Run!

Hillary Clinton is giving signs that she is seriously mulling another run for the White House, and a top aide and ally is not dissuading people from believing just that.But the most telling piece of evidence that Clinton is considering another run for the presidency came from Hillary ally Philippe Reines, who worked closely with her during her tenure in the Senate and as Secretary of State. Reines said “It’s curious why Hillary Clinton’s name isn’t in the mix—either conversationally or in formal polling—as a 2020 candidate.

Will Hillary be a 3 time Loser ?
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3 points

Oh yes! Please pretty please you Stupid Demorats make this Criminal Socialist your candidate once again.

This would kill the already very low chance they have in 2020.

2 points

I can't wait for two more years of shrill lectures about what a hateful, racist, sexist, homophobic, deplorable knuckle-dragging mouth-breather I am, punctuated by constant coughing and fainting spells. sounds like fun. Time to stock up the Scooby van's wet bar with vodka and hot sauce.

This only shows how extreme the Democrat Party has become.

The electorate chose Trump (who made many gaffes) instead of Hillary because of her corrupt Socialistic radical ideology, and what did they learn? NOTHING!

Everyone tells them how far to the Left they have gone, and that they need to come back to the center. THEY ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO DO SO!

The few moderates in their Party are totally censored and they vote in lock step with the extreme Socialists of their Party.