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 Transgender YouTube star wearing "Pink Wig" accused of "Appropriating Black Culture" (16)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Transgender YouTube star wearing "Pink Wig" accused of "Appropriating Black Culture"

Confusion circa 2018: A YouTube star who says he is a woman and identifies as Mexican-Asian is being attacked for appropriating black culture for wearing a pink wig.
Nikita Dragun who is transgender and has 2.3 million Instagram followers and 1.2 million YouTube subscribers posed wearing a pink wig in an Instagram photo.
One commented "Really cute, but your hairstyle is definitely appropriation," then responded to someone asking what Dragun was appropriating, "Appropriation of black culture. Unless she is mixed with black then that’s my own bad for not knowing. But if she isn’t black at all, that hairstyle isn’t actually for her."
Another comments: "Ur just fully appropriating," "Nikita I love you but I hate the dreads! Not cool," "That’s what cultural appropriation looks like."

Is the LGBTQ attacking it's own ? No say it ain't so.
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4 points

Transgender people are appropriating my gender ;)

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Transgender people are appropriating my gender ;)

Serves you right!

The words gender and people, are from old and middle French, and were previously appropriated from Latin. Trans and appropriating were stolen directly from those same poor, oppressed Romans. On top of that, my was Anglo-Frisian, who appropriated it from the Germanic tribes that "fled" into Europe from Asia.

Unless you are Roman, French, English, and Germanic, you are in all sorts of hot water, you culture-appropriating language thief.

Are you Greek? Do you use the octave scale? It was Greek. So was geometry.

I bet you even do algebra with "Arabic" numerals (both appropriated from India by Arabs when the Muslims conquered and oppressed the subcontinent) and then appropriate by the Europeans.

Do you use anything made from iron (appropriated from the Philistines)? Don't even bother answering!

I bet you even eat popcorn, you Native American Culture appropriating fiend!

Noodles were stolen from Chinese culture. Are you Chinese?

I cannot see you, but I bet you are sitting at your computer wearing a pink dreadlock wig just for the sake of oppressing others and abusing your privilege.

Go on! Tell us you are Roman and French and Germanic and Greek and Indian and Arab and Philistine and Chinese and Native American, you pink wig wearing, culture appropriating reprobate.



...Is it me, or did that get out of hand really fast? :)

jolie(9809) Clarified
1 point

Now you are trying to appropriate my argument/complaint. You are victimizing me. I need a safe space now. ;)

2 points

Absolute insanity. But I do enjoy watching the Progressive Circular Firing squad though. They deserve it.

2 points

Democrats have reached a new level of insanity in the last year.

A man dressed as a woman good. A man/woman in a wig bad.

Oh the irony.

Omfg. Can we evolve as humans? Or do we have to stay down here as goddamn apes?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Take that up with your Progressive Party because it is shown they will attack their own LMMFAO

2 points

The irony being that dreadlocks aren't even remotely unique to black cultures.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Why would LGBTQ attack a gender confused individual ? Is the Progressive Party not as compassionate as the narrative goes. LMMFAO

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

It's not LGTBTQ attacking a LGTBTQ. It's black/black-ally attacking non-black. Identity is often silo-ed that way in liberal identitarianism. It's generally more about winning the PC game than about genuine solidarity or humanism.

2 points

cultural appropriation 😂😂 I’ve fucking heard it all now , the world has gone barking fucking mad , who comes up with these labels ?

What a fucked up world most people step over homeless people on there way to and from work yet a fucking freak like this has a couple of million followers ? Weird 🙀

1 point

As i read above an quite appropriate - A man dressed as a woman good. A man/woman in a wig bad. Go figure all that cuz i can't.

1 point

Most of these freaks are attention seeking wannabes, it’s all about how many likes they get on FB or Instagram

1 point

At least these folks are consistent.

Logic was Greek, and they don't seem to have appropriated that.

1 point

Hello Poochyboy,

As long as they’re not bothering you, in this great nation of ours, people are FREE to BE whatever they want to BE. Why do you hate the Constitution so?

Now, fetch this stick.


outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Confusion circa 2018: A YouTube star who says he is a woman and identifies as Mexican-Asian is being attacked for appropriating black culture for wearing a pink wig.

Nikita Dragun who is transgender and has 2.3 million Instagram followers and 1.2 million YouTube subscribers posed wearing a pink wig in an Instagram photo.

One commented "Really cute, but your hairstyle is definitely appropriation," then responded to someone asking what Dragun was appropriating, "Appropriation of black culture. Unless she is mixed with black then that’s my own bad for not knowing. But if she isn’t black at all, that hairstyle isn’t actually for her."

Another comments: "Ur just fully appropriating," "Nikita I love you but I hate the dreads! Not cool," "That’s what cultural appropriation looks like."

You are really stupid ! Who said it bothered me you Brain Dead Dummy. Just fun to watch the Progressives attack their own ! Learn to read LMMFAO

1 point

I just noticed the cotton candy in the photo.

Dragun is not just appropriating the dreadlocks. Dragun is also appropriating the opportunity to be outraged by his/her slave past.

Yes I just cracked a slavery joke.

For those of you who think it is a racist joke, get a grip.

The joke is to point out that neither slavery nor dreadlocks are exclusive to Black culture, and that the outrage at pink (or any other color) dreadlocks, or having slave ancestors is EXACTLY as ridiculous as outrage at cotton candy.

I know being racist is foundational to being a leftist, but humorlessness does not also have to be a foundation to leftist thinking.