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Yeah, he's SCREWED up Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:13
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 Yeah, he's SCREWED up (1)
 Trump can do no wrong (9)

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excon(18261) pic

Trump COULD pitch jobs. He COULD pitch the tax cut. But, he'd rather pitch HATE.

Yeah, he's SCREWED up

Side Score: 2

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 9
0 points

Well, isn't that what authoritarian leaders DO??

Tax cut? Oh, you mean the one that only had meaning to those who didn't NEED one. The imaginative "tax cut" to the middle class has been spent on rising gas and food and medicine prices … among other things too numerous to mention. Soon, if the election goes HIS way, he (they) will take away SS and Medicare and the "pre-existing conditions" thingy, from the "middle class" and their parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, children. YEP! Trump is keeping his promises …. on the surface. People believe this crap??? The great economy Obama left U.S. with, our standing in the world, our democracy, the National Debt, health care, are ALL more important than the "caravan"!

Side: Yeah, he's SCREWED up
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Well, isn't that what authoritarian leaders DO??

Tax cut? Oh, you mean the one that only had meaning to those who didn't NEED one. The imaginative "tax cut" to the middle class has been spent on rising gas and food and medicine prices … among other things too numerous to mention. Soon, if the election goes HIS way, he (they) will take away SS and Medicare and the "pre-existing conditions" thingy, from the "middle class" and their parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, children. YEP! Trump is keeping his promises …. on the surface. People believe this crap??? The great economy Obama left U.S. with, our standing in the world, our democracy, the National Debt, health care, are ALL more important than the "caravan"!

What point are you getting TO here Mr. PSYCHO BABBLE ????????? LMMFAO

Side: Trump can do no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

GRANDPAW you want to hear a DEMORAT hater ? I have linked it !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump can do no wrong
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You do realize they have drugs for your delusional state of mind. You are either a complete loser playing games, or you are as ignorant as a person could possibly be.

I'm one of those middle class tax payers who got a large tax cut from Trump. Democrats never gave me a thing except for increased taxes to pay penalties for not being able to afford Obamacare.

You are a liar or someone who has lost his senses. It matters not which one. Just stop your deceptive rantings.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Now GRANDPAW who can only believe the LYING LEFTIST thinks the tax cuts are for the rich !!!!!!! Hay dummy do you know Nanny Pelosi wealth is 26.4 million ?

Side: Trump can do no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hay Dummy do you know what your God Obama's wealth is ????

Barack Obama's net worth is estimated to be $40 million. Aside from the six-figure pension he receives as a former president, Obama has made millions from speaking engagements and his best-selling books.Aug 4, 2018

GRANDPAW you dummies cry and complain about the rich ! It is laughable at how incredibly stupid you idiots are !!!!!!!

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

Donald Trump does not pitch hate ok? And if you want to start talking about tax cutting, and pitching jobs, Obama didn't do either but no one talked about him like that. Donald Trump is a great president, and he is an amazing leader for America. He may have said some bad stuff on twitter, but his actions are louder than his words. And besides, he is free to say whatever he likes. There have been more Indians, blacks, asians etc working than ever before. That isn't a coincidence, Donald Trump is creating jobs for a lot of people, and he is making America Great, and once that is done, He will work on Keeping it GREAT!

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

STUPOR STUPID who pitches HATE ??????????????????

DUMMY who fuels hate ? LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you not pay attention you BRAIN DEAD IDIOT ????????

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

DUMMY exposing you IDIOTS is way to easy LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Don't you just love listening to these hypocritical Liberals preaching against Trump's supposed hate, when they are the ones supporting the killing of viable unborn babies for any reason up to birth.

You can't make this stuff up! Are you Liberal's that totally blind to your inhumanity?

Side: Trump can do no wrong