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Debate Score:16
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Atrag(5666) pic

USAians: Could you locate your country on a map?

37% of USAians can't locate their country on a map. If this forum is representative of the USA as a whole that would mean that one in three of the USAians here can't do this.

This really cracked me up: "Especially the two percent that believed the United States was located on the map's color-coded inset legend.""


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 5

Is that an Asian who's also American? Or is that some new name for Americans someone made up somewhere?

Anyway, I can locate my country, and most of the other famous ones. I just can't go so specific as to go into detail on all of the countries I know of, and where they are etc.

One more thing though. Americans generally don't have to learn about maps. We learn basic knowledge of what one is, what they are used for, and how to use it, but we don't ever really need it since the likely hood of leaving the U.S. is low, and instead of learning all of this info about other countries and their locales we'll most likely have to know quite a few street names within the country already, making learning more than that useless and mentally taxing.

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

I say USAian because calling them Americans seems so politically incorrect to me. :/ I say estadounidense in Spanish.

Side: Yes
1 point

The term USAian had never occurred to me before; but I must say I dig it. And be warned I'm probably going to steal it.

As for the foriegn language version; "I'm a USAian, and I don't speak no languages!"

Side: Yes
DevinSeay(1119) Disputed
1 point

Well, just to let you know, one of the most hated terms in the US are political correct terms.

Side: No

Disregard all of that longer post. I can't believe so many, or any person for that matter, couldn't locate their country...on a map of their country. I imagine they were caught off guard by the fact that the whole thing was America and just didn't feel like thinking about it.

Side: Yes
Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

First line of article: "Editor's note: This post is a satire."

Side: No

That's a relief.

Side: Yes
1 point

That's true. The figure is more like one in five than one in three.

Supporting Evidence: 1 in 5 (
Side: Yes

You realize that article was a joke, right?

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Oh god no I didn't :P I missed the first line.

""75% of readers actually read the WHOLE article and STILL think it's real." That comment is probably true.

Still though 1 in 5 is pretty bad.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes its pretty easy to locate my country:US

Side: Yes
1 point

Don't listen to the Huffington Post. They are nutballs in their own way.

Side: Yes
1 point

Uhhhh... yeah. And I could name about 90+% of the other countries on the map too (Fuck some of those African countries). But I love geography and have traveled pretty much so I would be an exception.

Side: Yes
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