
Debate Info

Non-vegetarian Vegetarian
Debate Score:36
Total Votes:39
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 Non-vegetarian (15)
 Vegetarian (12)

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curiosity(12) pic

Vegetarians vs Non vegetarians

A Topic that has been debated for ages with no clear winner.We all know what its about and its been a while too.Who eats healthier? Vegetarians or actual human beings?


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 17
2 points

Some meat is ok and won't cause issues in the human body. The problem is the quantities the average westerner eats is far beyond what we historically consumed.

Side: Non-vegetarian
1 point

Lets look at this from a scientific perspective

look at lion,it eats only meat. Now look at its teeth. its sharp and pointy for tearing up meat.

Now look at a cow. It eats only veg. It has only flat teeth

i think you all know where im going with this

Humans have sharp AND flat teeth. We were MEANT to eat meet its in our nature

Side: Non-vegetarian
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point


Those teeth look pretty pointy to me, must be a carnivore, right? Wrong, it's a panda.

Side: Vegetarian
1 point

Gorillas too, they have some fierce looking teeth but are vegetarians.

It is the digestive tract you need to look at not the teeth.

Side: Vegetarian
1 point

Pandas are omnivores, like humans.

Side: Non-vegetarian
1 point

Vegetarians are haelthy. Again i will give you that. but you must understand that we need ENERGY. the amount of callories we get from veg is too little to satisfy our needs. Only non veg can provide us with the necessary protein required for our daily activities. VEg can prevent diseases but it cant make you stronger

Side: Non-vegetarian
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
2 points

Since the amount of calories taken in can be increased by eating larger or more frequent meals. this isn't much an issue.

What's really at stake (particularly in reference to your statement "it can't make you stronger") is the protein. Meat is highly efficient because it gives us all the proteins we need right there. But vegetables all have proteins too, just not the same ones. Being aware of the nutritional value of meals and being sure to use a variety of veggies to help maximize your protein intake is totally viable, and brings on some other health benefits along the way.

Side: Vegetarian
PenguinFan87(33) Disputed
2 points

Vegetarians eat more than just vegetables. I don't know why you would think that, but it's wrong. We eat everything but meat. Also, meat is not the only way to get protein. Beans and nuts are great ways to get protein. And we can also get the calories we need by just eating more. Meat is not by any means something that humans need to be healthy.

Side: Vegetarian

I'm a non-vegetarian

chicken and meat is more delicious than vegetables

Side: Non-vegetarian
1 point

MEAT IS LOVE, I LOVE MEAT, SO SHOULD YOU! we need it a lot! Meat is what has made us into the humans we are today. Without meat we would never have evolved into these magnificent creatures of nature! <3 XOXO #MEAT #YOLOSWAG

Side: Non-vegetarian
1 point

I am not exactly an expert on health issues like these, neither do I possess lots of knowledge on this particular matter, but I've got to say non-vegetarians have a way more balanced diet and they eat healthier. First-off, humans require nutrients which meat contain, and those found in vegetables are not sufficient to satisfy that. I feel that vegetarians are generally weaker in terms of health. However, non-vegetarians also have to take note of how much meat they consume, in order to prevent excess weight gain, and include vegetables in their daily diet as well. Vegetables have been proven to prevent certain diseases in the human body such as cancer and might have medical purposes/ might help to strengthen our immunity system. To support my point, I have to state that it is a win-win solution if humans consume just an ample amount of both vegetables and meat so as to balance the ecosystem of all living organisms.

Side: Non-vegetarian
1 point

Why non vegetarians. Because it's a more valuable source of nutrients.

Vegetarians can aqcuire protein by eating legumes and nuts, these protein are incomplete. Complete protein consisits of all the valuable amino acids that your body needs, and animal protien consists of all those valuable protiens.

Side: Non-vegetarian
1 point

here are innumerable health benefits of eating meat, to say, for example, it serves as a fabulfous source of high quality proteins, which a single vegetarian food is not able to provide. It contains all the essential amino acids that the body requires.

The red meat contains very high quantities of iron, when compared with plant origin foods. 100 grams of Liver contains 6000 mcgm of iron as against 325 mcgm in 100-gram carrots. Read further to explore information about the advafgfntages of eating meat…

The phosphorus content present in meat gets much more easily absorbed than that present in cereals and legumes. This is owing to the fact that cereals and legumes contain phosphorus, usually in the form of phytic acid that must be hydrolyzed before absorption. Meat also serves as the main source for the intake of vitamin B12.


Side: Non-vegetarian

"Actual human beings," as you called them, eat better than vegetarians, because they eat what they evolved to eat.

Side: Vegetarian
curiosity(12) Disputed
1 point

Whos side are you on?i want to support you but i dont get what your trying to say

Side: Non-vegetarian

Not sure how I ended up on the vegetarian side. Where did the edit link go?

Side: Non-vegetarian
2 points

Actual nutrition has little to nothing to do with being a carnivore, omnivore, or vegetarian but with getting the optimal nutrition. In general, I would presume that vegetarians are somewhat more likely to do so for the simple fact that their dietary decisions have greater intention to them from the beginning. This is not innately true however; there are unhealthy vegetarians just as there are healthy non-vegetarians.

Side: Vegetarian
1 point

Vegetarian are very good as compare to non-vegetarian . Vegetarian eat vegetable or plants but non vegetarians eat meat of animals . Through vegetarian no one has any problem but Through non vegetarians animal and vegetarian both have problem. While the meat is near somewhere to the vegetarian, it smells bad to them and they are not able to do any thing properly and animals they lose their lives for non vegetarians , which is not good according to me.

Side: Vegetarian
1 point

I don't know about the diets on their own however in regard to your debate, which seems to be more concerned with the people themselves, I would have to say vegetarians.

While there are health nuts in both areas, the majority of vegetarians in comparison to the majority of people who include meat in their diet are more health conscious.

Side: Vegetarian

In my opinion, vegetarians are healthier. Vegetarians eat all those good veggies and will live a good, long life.

Side: Vegetarian
0 points

We eat way healthier. Red meat (hot dogs, steak etc.) is awful for you and can give you cancer. Cancer sucks. Meat is also very fatty. Vegetarians eat a lot of veggies, fruit, beans and nuts-all things that have a lot of healthy things.

Side: Vegetarian
curiosity(12) Disputed
1 point

If you think we are at risk of cancer then let me tell you, you are at risk of a heck of a lot of nutrient deficiencies

Side: Non-vegetarian
PenguinFan87(33) Disputed
1 point

No, I could be, but I'm not. I just have to balance out everything. Meat does not supply everything a human needs to live. I can get protein from nuts and beans. Sure, I have to eat a lot of them but it's better than eating murdered animals. All of that vegetarian fake meat stuff is very high in everything that you would be missing on from meat, nutrient wise.

Side: Vegetarian