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 Vice Presidential Picks (7)

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Vice Presidential Picks

Who do you believe will be each candidates VP pick, and why?
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1 point

I actually think that Hillary and Trump could make an excellent team. Both have resumes, influence and experience that complement each other. However, that will not happen at all. I don't think it has ever happened. Despite what everyone says, I think that out of all candidates that have ever run in the history of the USA, Trump and Hillary are the strongest thus far. Furthermore, Trump is without a doubt ambitious, although ill informed.

Trump without a doubt knows how to earn coin and get people to do things (plus, he has very smart people behind him. Although, he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut). Hillary without a doubt has experience, knowledge and many political connections.

Obama was smart and well thought out, however, he wasn't as well prepared as those two.

Biden was a great VP pick on Obama's part. However, if Trump pulled in Bernie Sanders (or a female democrat), that would throw everyone a curve ball. In fact, it might even tip things in his favor. I know it is bad to for republicans to back democrats and vice versa, but if Hillary pulled in a republican VP, would that pull in more votes from the other side? It is unheard of, but, how would that play out?

Thought games. Unlikely, but fun. I don't know what they will do, what I do know is that whoever does get chosen, is going to be a huge playing card.

At the end of the day, what Hillary needs is a bad guy (because she comes off as a good girl).

Trump needs a good guy (because he is already the bad guy).

The reality is that I doubt all voters are going to listen to the debates. What I think is that they listen to first impressions, and then, in the aftermath, it is emotions that guide their opinions.

BUT, Trump does have a huge twitter following, so it is simply a matter of who is going to vote that will choose the next prez.

MrShcmuck(76) Disputed
1 point

please refer here for an article disproving that claim

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

.....Wait, you think Trump and Hillary are the strongest candidates in U.S. history?

Trump without a doubt knows how to earn coin and get people to do things

Except his wealth accumulation was less than that of the standard market rate, and his company employs slave labor.

Hillary without a doubt has experience, knowledge and many political connections.

And her cynical ambition leads her to lie constantly, including on instances where she puts sensitive information at risk.

However, if Trump pulled in Bernie Sanders

Sanders said he will do everything possible to make Trump lose, so I doubt this is going to happen.

At the end of the day, what Hillary needs is a bad guy (because she comes off as a good girl).

No she doesn't. Her entire image issue is being corrupt.

MrShcmuck(76) Clarified
1 point

read his comment below. I was rambling thoughts and totally went off topic. I apologize for this. He was just letting off some ideas and really, I'd never heard something like this before possible or not. It made me think a bit (unlike most Trump vs. Hilary arguments).

1 point

Either way, Trump is going to have a HUGE kick to his ego soon. I call politicians, "verbal assassins". Hopefully, it doesn't destroy him and his family. I know that Hillary can take it, but can Trump?

Trump makes good deals for himself and his business, and consequently, can do so for America (I suppose), however, does the world like that fact that he might screw over the banks and other countries in the process?

Questions, questions, questions ...

MrShcmuck(76) Disputed
1 point

are you disputing my argument or............................................

Ignoramis(381) Clarified
1 point

I was rambling thoughts and totally went off topic. I apologize for this.

1 point

Clinton should beg for Sanders because together their support numbers can beat anything the other side brings forth. Warren is a great attack dog against Trump and the Republicans and conservatives but the truth is she could be that attack dog anyway even without being the VP, and being the VP would actually galvanize the bigots in this country.

Trump needs to pick someone sane, steady, and a pillar among the Republicans and conservatives. I'd actually say Ryan (if that's possible). But the problem is I doubt anyone sane wants to get anywhere close to the train wreck which is going to be Trump. Basically, you're right though, he needs to pick a good cop to be the foil to his bad cop persona.

2 points

Hillary is hands down the best and should get elected. So much for trump the rump. i only vote for progressives