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Evidence showing it's true Evidence showing it's false
Debate Score:114
Total Votes:128
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 Evidence showing it's true (31)
 Evidence showing it's false (37)

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LittleMisfit(1745) pic

What evidence is there to show that Christianity is true or false?

BE NICE!  If you can't make your point without resorting to name calling and personal insults you will be warned or banned.

Evidence showing it's true

Side Score: 42

Evidence showing it's false

Side Score: 72
3 points

First off, I have to get something off my chest. Misfit has claimed that there is overwhelming evidence supporting (macro evolution, micro evolution is a undeniable fact.) evolution. However, this is just not the case. Macro isn't overwhelmingly supported by evidence, it's overwhelmingly supported by people. Creationists and evolutionists use the same evidence.

Now, for the proof Christianity is true: Prophecy. Before you turn up your nose, hear me out.The books of Isiah, Malachi, Psalms, Jeremiah, Exodus, Hosea, and Genesis (I may be missing a few) Specifically spoke of the things Jesus would do hundreds and in some cases one thousand years before he actually did them.

Here are a few examples:

He would be born in Bethlehem. (Prophesied in Micah 5:2, Fulfilled in Matthew 1:22-23 and Luke 1:26-31)

He would spend a season in Egypt (Prophesied Hosea 11:1, Fulfilled Matthew 2:14-15)

A massacre of Children would happen at his Birthplace: (Prophesied Jeremiah 31:15, Fulfilled Matthew 2:16-18)

There are forty-one other examples of this That I don't have time to reference.

Before you state the Bible can not be used as a historical implement due to it being a religious book, let me give some examples of archaeological digs by non Christians that support it.

The World Wide Flood. There are ridiculous amounts of religions that claim a world-wide flood occurred. Even many Native American tribes have a world-wide flood story that parallels the Biblical account.

The Nuzi Tablets. The some 20,000 cuneiform clay tablets discovered at the ruins of Nuzi, east of the Tigris River and datable to c. 1500 BC, reveal institutions, practices, and customs remarkably congruent to those found in Genesis. These tablets include treaties, marriage arrangements, rules regarding inheritance, adoption, and the like.

The Merneptah Stele. A seven-foot slab engraved with hieroglyphics, also called the Israel Stele, boasts of the Egyptian pharaoh’s conquest of Libyans and peoples in Palestine, including the Israelites: “Israel — his seed is not.” This is the earliest reference to Israel in nonbiblical sources and demonstrates that, as of c. 1230 BC, the Hebrews were already living in the Promised Land.

Biblical Cities Attested Archaeologically. In addition to Jericho, places such as Haran, Hazor, Dan, Megiddo, Shechem, Samaria, Shiloh, Gezer, Gibeah, Beth Shemesh, Beth Shean, Beersheba, Lachish, and many other urban sites have been excavated, quite apart from such larger and obvious locations as Jerusalem or Babylon. Such geographical markers are extremely significant in demonstrating that fact, not fantasy, is intended in the Old Testament historical narratives; otherwise, the specificity regarding these urban sites would have been replaced by “Once upon a time” narratives with only hazy geographical parameters, if any.

I could go on, but my fingers are really, really sore.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
nook(7) Disputed
4 points

Firstly, if you are going to claim micro evolution is undeniable, you should know that the processes by which you claim micro evolution to occur are simply cogs in the greater wheel of macro evolution. Macro evolution is simply the larger picture of the tree of life. The basic mechanisms- mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection-can produce major evolutionary change if given enough time. This is macro evolution.

Now for the "proof."

Your first three examples are from the bible, an edited text for religious purposes. You cannot prove a book using that book. Furthermore I doubt you read the original manuscript, in its original language. This is key to any historical study of a source. You are referencing an english translation of a text edited for thousands of years. If you honestly believe that there haven't been changes to the original meanings and phrases of these sources you are deluding yourself.

Thirdly, simply having a flood story does not prove christianity any more than you could use noah's flood to prove Native American beliefs, which I'm sure you wouldn't. Most religions relied on supernatural explanations for natural events they could not explain. If you could demonstrate some geologic evidence NOT from a creationist source, but a reputable, peer reviewed, scientific source I'm happy to agree.

Nuzi Tablets and Merneptah Stele- This is not proof of christianity. This is evidence (not "proof") of established societies in the area with similar customs to those described in the bible. The people who primarily occupied Nuzi were the Hurrians, not Israelites. They were also polytheistic. As for Merneptah, there is some debate about whether it refers to the biblical Israelites, as this is not clear in the texts. It could be referring to a city in Canaan or a Libyan tribe. Overall it's too unclear to use it as definitive proof.

As for your cities, I find it a little silly to assume that authors of books may never refer to real places in works of fiction. I guess we must take that to its logical end, where every work referencing an actual city is therefore true. Simply because these places were mentioned does not make the stories true. It is more likely that the writers wanted to make their stories accesible to those who would hear them. How many places in history have been the location of myth and legend? Are they true because these places exist? Absolutely not.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
sdjoiner(2) Clarified
1 point

Furthermore is it also historical fact that several "gods" and "saviors" throughout history have the exact same "story" as Jesus of Nazareth including Glycon, Mithra, and Horus. In addition considering that the "civilized world" particularly as it related to the Hebrew people, from which the old testament comes, was centralized in the Mediterranean region, matching a person to several "prophecies" would not be a big stretch, especially spending time in Egypt. Also fact is the Council of Nicaea, during which the concrete decision about the divinity of the Christ was decided, the date of Easter( to coincide with a pagan festival), and many other early laws. In the early church the christians still used the old testament and it wasn't till 140AD that what might be considered the "first draft" of the new testament was compiled, including the 10 letters of Paul, and an early Gospel of Luke later renamed to the Gospel of Marcion. The four Gospels canon was put forth by Irenaeus, on what seems to be an almost Pagan reasoning, incluing the fact that "there are four quarters of the earth in which we live, and four universal winds". It wasnt until around the 3rd century that what we know today as the new testament was in use. In addition Martin Luther again edited the roman catholic bible to exclude Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation in 1534. Again in 1825 the British and Foreign Bible society again translated and edited the Bible to exclude what is know as the apocrypha and it became as it is today. So the accuracy of the current bible in relation to the source material is highly doubtful. That's not even mentioning the fact that in the days before the printing press, and for some time after, literacy was limited to the rich and to the church, and copies of the bible even more so. Therefore, no one can really say with any actual certainty that the bible is accurate.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
2 points

I think Nook already addressed most of what you said, and I talked about the prophesies in my rebuttal on the other side of the debate, so I'll keep this brief.

There are ridiculous amounts of religions that claim a world-wide flood occurred.

Every year there are floods all over the globe. The flood accounts you are referring to are most likely just localized one. How exactly did these primitive cultures know it was a global flood, and not just a local one? They didn't have satellite imagery to look around the globe. All they had was their eyes, which can't see that far.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
Jace(5222) Clarified
2 points

There is also a human proclivity towards exaggeration in the recounting of stories, particularly where they are supposed to serve as a moral lesson.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

Also, even from a Biblical standpoint the worldwide flood seems unlikely. Many religions having the flood as a story in there religion doesn't mean a worldwide flood because it wasn't until after the flood till the people were spread throughout the earth. Also, the Bible said God dried up "the whole Earth" .I don't see the Earth being a desert soooo looks like a local flood to me. Throughout the Bible "the whole earth" refers to a specific region where a group of people resided. All the people resided in one place so "the whole earth" was judged by the flood but because of them being centralized, the flood was local.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
1 point

I cover the topic of micro evolution & macro evolution here. If it doesn't jump you right to it just scroll down until you see the topic MICRO vs. MACRO EVOLUTION. If you don't believe macro evolution happens I would like you to answer the questions I posed there.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
2 points

Fact: Jesus existed as recorded by historian and Roman Senator, Taticus.

"Scholars generally consider Tacitus's reference to the execution of Jesus by Pontius Pilate to be both authentic, and of historical value as an independent Roman source.[5][6][7] Eddy and Boyd state that it is now "firmly established" that Tacitus provides a non-Christian confirmation of the crucifixion of Jesus.[8]"

Supporting Evidence: Roman records (
Side: Evidence showing it's true
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

I think you'll find that most atheists who have studied historical records don't dispute that Jesus existed. It's his divinity we question. However, I think you've provided a perfectly valid piece of evidence to show that he existed, which I why I clarified instead of disputing. Thanks for participating in the debate.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
2 points

Yes so we've established that a man existed that many claim to be the son of a god.

LittleMisfit, you claim atheism and discount that a man can be considered to be any god.

And so, as an atheist with these grounds, you claim a god cannot exist?

Where is the jump? What about Jesus, or not about Jesus, can you claim that a god does not exist?

Side: Evidence showing it's true
Nox0(1393) Disputed
0 points

There is no evidence for Jesus. No single record of tricks doing guy. Tacitus has been born 57AD. So please explain to me how someone who has been born 30 years after Jesus "death" can be a witness?

There is no evidence for Jesus from his lifetime, not a single one record anywhere around the whole world, nobody has written down a single line about guy who did magic in public...

Side: Evidence showing it's false
2 points

Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. There is evidence discovered in present day Iraq and Israel that conclusively proves that the main historical events described in the Bible were correct.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
Jace(5222) Disputed
2 points

That the Bible can (sometimes) be an accurate historical account that validates it as little more than a questionable history book, and speaks not at all to the validity of the Christian God.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

such as?

Side: Evidence showing it's true
1 point

well first off there is massive proof of Christianity being real . Its a documented Religion . there are millions of Christians.Its the biggest religion around . Unless you meant to state there beliefs have evidence to show if its true or false .

Side: Evidence showing it's true
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

Clearly Christianity exists, but we need to determine if it is based on truth or if it's primarily a work of fiction. Some examples of questions we should be trying to answer are...

Does the Christian god exist?

Was Jesus divine or a mere mortal?

Is the Bible a reliable source of information?

Side: Evidence showing it's true
zico20(345) Clarified
2 points

For Christianity not to be true you must believe Jesus was NOT the son of God. Okay, lets follow what must of happened. First, Jesus was not born into nobility or fame or a rich family. At some point in his teen years or so he decided that he would pull a hoax to gain fame and go down in history as someone of great importance. He would have to fake numerous miracles over several years. Now remember, there was not the technology 2000 years ago that there is today. I would like for the atheists to explain how he pulled of these miracles and convinced so many people. Because if he didn't convince alot of people then he wouldn't be considered the son of God.

Second, he would have to know that he would be crucified for his beliefs and actions. If he wasn't going to be put to death then his plan would fail.

Third, he would have had to have people steal his body since he told people he would be resurrected. If they didn't steal his body his hoax would be exposed.

Fourth, he had to have a look alike that walked around the Earth for 40 days and then disappear and never be seen again. Otherwise, the hoax would be exposed. There are alot of variables that would have been out of his control to pull off this incredible plan.

To me, there are way to many things that would have gone wrong to believe this was a hoax. EVERY hoax has eventually been discredited by most people. That Jesus is really the son of God makes a heck of alot more sense than this elaborate hoax that some guy did 2000 years ago.

Side: Evidence showing it's true

It all depends on you. People have been trying to prove the bible historically inaccurate for years even decades through archeology but oh look that pool that "didn't exist" is found, oh their were two Quintus's, biblical contradictions dealing with kings ages and troop numbers have been cleared up by looking the of earliest versions of documents. If religious text such as the bible were so scrupulously searched for flaws and "disproven" we would have no textbooks or scant ones if that. Scientifically it can be reconciled with and compatible with (revision of SCIENTIFIC views in RELIGION doesn't mean anything unless its directly against it). Philosophically it makes sense and people have been doing it not since the 2,000's, not the past year, but since even the 1600's (The Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation). Its all down to what you believe and are willing to believe.

Side: Evidence showing it's true

History books do record the existence of Jesus, therefore, Christianity is true.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

really? Which ones?

Side: Evidence showing it's false
1 point

History books record the existence of just about everything. If someone wrote it down, it's true?

Side: Evidence showing it's false


In light of the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting evolution, many religions now accept it as truth, such as Catholics, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Mormons, Buddhists, Methodists, The Church of England, The Greek Orthodox Church, and Judaism. In this debate I will explain why the Garden of Eve story from Genesis is not compatible with evolution and why the apologetics used to try to reconcile the two are not valid. Since evolution is not compatible with a literal interpretation of the Garden of Eden story Christians have changed their story and are now saying it's not meant to be taken literally, but is merely figurative. However, there are numerous problems with this claim.

Problem 1: How does one determine when Genesis goes from being figurative to literal. If you read the Garden of Eden story you'll see it blends seamlessly into the stories that follow it. There is no indication at all that it changes from going from figurative to literal. Was the story of Cain and Abel figurative as well. If you don't think so, show me where Genesis chapters 3 and 4 go from being figurative to literal.

Problem 2: Numerous verses in the Bible show that the story of Adam and Eve are supposed to be real people, not figurative ones. Genesis 5:3-5 is one of the most obvious ones. "When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Adam lived a total of 930 years, and then he died." If you continue reading Genesis chapter 5 it lists the genealogy from Adam to Noah. That's an awful lot of detail for a figurative story. Here are a bunch more verses about Adam that make it abundantly clear that he is supposed to be a real person.

Some apologists have suggested that maybe Adam & Eve were the first 2 people that reached a certain stage in evolution. In other words god said, "Well it looks like these two people have finally evolved enough, so I'm going to give them souls and designate them the first man and woman on earth. Just try to forget about all those other human looking creatures wandering the planet. I'm going to sterilze them so they die off and don't breed with any descendents of adam and eve." If you want to perform mental gymnastics in a desperate attempt to reconcile things you can do that, but I think deep down you know that that isn't the way it went down. It also doesn't fix the other issues that I'll cover below.

So now you're probably thinking just because Adam & Eve were real people doesn't mean the whole story is meant to be taken literally. That's a valid argument, so lets look deeper to see if we can find any verses that talk about other parts of the story. 1 Timothy 2:11-15 says "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety."

This author of this passage uses the Garden of Eden story to justify his sexism by explaining why women are not equals, that they are merely baby making machines. He clearly thinks the Garden of Eden story was not figurative, because if Eve never really ate the fruit and it was just a metaphor, then his claim would be baseless.

This Christian website does a very thorough job of showing that the Garden of Eden story is meant to be taken literally. Problem #3 below also contains a passage that shows it it means to be taken literally.

Problem 3: Without the Garden of Eden story you can kiss the concept of original sin goodbye. Original sin is a core concept in the Bible. Paul makes it abundantly clear that sin began with Adam in

Romans 5:12-18 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law.  Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people."

Problem 4: If you take away Adam & Eve, you take away a whole lot more, like all their ancestors including Jesus.

Luke 3:23-38 lists the genealogy tracing Jesus' lineage all the way back to Adam. If Adam & Eve didn't exist and were not the first two humans on earth, then that genealogy was just made up. If Luke is making things up, why should we trust anything he said.

Problem 5: Genesis 1:27 says, "God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." The first life on earth is believed to have been a single celled organism, and that all life on earth evolved from this common ancestor. If god created mankind in his own image, does that mean god looks like a single celled organism? No wonder we can't see him; we haven't been looking for him at the microscopic level : )

There are many other problems with the story of Adam and Eve, but that should be enough to make my point.


The evidence I've provided makes it abundantly clear that the Garden of Eden story is meant to be taken literally, but since all the evidence shows that we evolved we know the Garden of Eden story can't be true and is nothing more than a work of fiction. If you take away the Garden of Eden story you take away one of the founding principles of Christianity and also call into question the validation of the rest of the Bible. If one of the first books of the Bible is filled with fiction, how can you trust any of it? So as I see it Christians are only left with two options:

1. Evolution is false but god intentionally planted all the evidence to make it look like evolution is true because he wants to confuse people, resulting in millions of people going to hell.

2. The Bible contains fictional stories so it is not a reliable source of information, and the concept of original sin is false.

If you don't believe in evolution I recommend heading over to this debate to post any objections or questions you have about it. When I get more time I'll add additional evidence to that debate, but a simple Google search on "evidence for evolution" should give you more than enough. Keep in mind there is A LOT of misinformation on the subject, so just because the first page you come across doesn't sound very believable doesn't mean you should stop there. The evidence for evolution is extensive and most people are simply unaware of it. Many people think all we have are a few fossils for evidence, but that is simply not true. Even if we didn't have a single fossil there is still have more than enough evidence for evolution.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
Thewayitis(4071) Disputed
1 point

Many churches do accept evolution as true, but one has to understand what evolution is to comprehend what evolution means.

Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.

1) No where in evolution is theories such Big Bang. The Bible was written by men to explain things to men at a fixed point in time. It contains both figurative and literal material.

2) Why do people that don't believe in the Bible continually worshiping it through the means of quoting it? Don't believe it, don't quote it.

3) Why is there an intense desire by atheist to destroy another person's religion. Perfect your own first.

"Any absolutist attitude is always a religious attitude, and in whatever respect a man becomes absolute, there you see his religion." - Carl Jung.

LittleMisfit, Does God exist?

Side: Evidence showing it's true
3 points

No where in evolution is theories such Big Bang.

Evolution has nothing to do with the big bang, so I'm not sure what relevance it has to this topic. It's not real clear what point you're trying to make. Can you please clarify?

The Bible was written by men to explain things to men at a fixed point in time. It contains both figurative and literal material.

I understand it contains both figurative and literal material, but if you read my post it shows that the Garden of Eden story was meant to be literal, not figurative, and because of that it is not compatible with evolution.

Why do people that don't believe in the Bible continually worship it through the means of quoting it? Don't believe it, don't quote it.

Because this is a debate about Christianity which is based on the Bible. How can I possibly debate about the authenticity of Bible without quoting it?

Since when does quoting something mean you "worship" it? You just quoted Carl Jung, so does that mean you worship him?

Why is there an intense desire by atheist to destroy another person's religion. Perfect your own first.

Because we believe it is harmful to society. Because of the lies spread by religion atheists are treated like monsters.

-A University of British Columbia study found that believers distrust atheists as much as rapists!

-Only 49% of Americans would vote for an atheist for president, even if they believed he/she was well qualified.

-Only 33% of people would hire an atheist as a day care worker.

-Only 65% would hire them as a waiter/waitress.

-Atheists are frequently denied custody of their children for simply being atheist.

-If a politician admits they are an atheist, they have committed political suicide.

-In many countries, just admitting you are an atheist will get you killed, and not just by average citizens, but by the government.

-In public schools, religious students are free to form clubs, but when atheists try to form their own clubs they are frequently stonewalled by school administration.

-Discrimination against atheists is very common.

Then there is the long list of harmful things caused by religion.

-People are dying of AIDS in Africa and South America because the Catholic church has convinced them contraception is evil.

-People in Africa are being killed over accusations of witchcraft. The Salem witch trials all over again.

-43% of homeless gay teens were kicked out of their homes for being gay, and religion is one of the primary reasons people believe homosexuals are evil.

-Little girls are having their clitoris cut off because of religion.

-Many circumcisions are preformed without local anesthesia.

-In Islamic theocracies women who have sex before marriage, who date outside their religion, who spend time with male friends, or who disobey their male relatives are executed.

-In Islamic theocracies women who have been raped are executed for the crime of adultery. The ones who are not executed are often beaten and/or imprisoned.

-In Islamic theocracies girls as young as 9 years old can be married against their will.

-Seriously ill children often suffer and die because their parents refuse medical treatment because it is against their religion. In 39 states, these parents are protected from prosecution for child neglect.

-Priests molest and rape children, then the Catholic church covered up these abuses because they felt protecting their churches reputation was more important that protecting children.


I could go on and on for days, but I think you get the point. Atheists have good reasons to want religion to be a thing of the past. If you saw something that was causing suffering and misery wouldn't you want to do something to stop it?

LittleMisfit, Does God exist?

I think it's very unlikely that any gods exist. However, I'm 100% certain the Christian god does not exist.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
Truthofbible(1) Disputed Banned
1 point


In light of the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting evolution, many religions now accept it as truth, such as Catholics, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Mormons, Buddhists, Methodists, The Church of England, The Greek Orthodox Church, and Judaism. In this debate I will explain why the Garden of Eve story from Genesis is not compatible with evolution and why the apologetics used to try to reconcile the two are not valid. Since evolution is not compatible with a literal interpretation of the Garden of Eden story Christians have changed their story and are now saying it's not meant to be taken literally, but is merely figurative. However, there are numerous problems with this claim.

Problem 1: How does one determine when Genesis goes from being figurative to literal. If you read the Garden of Eden story you'll see it blends seamlessly into the stories that follow it. There is no indication at all that it changes from going from figurative to literal. Was the story of Cain and Abel figurative as well. If you don't think so, show me where Genesis chapters 3 and 4 go from being figurative to literal.

Problem 2: Numerous verses in the Bible show that the story of Adam and Eve are supposed to be real people, not figurative ones. Genesis 5:3-5 is one of the most obvious ones. "When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Adam lived a total of 930 years, and then he died." If you continue reading Genesis chapter 5 it lists the genealogy from Adam to Noah. That's an awful lot of detail for a figurative story. Here are a bunch more verses about Adam that make it abundantly clear that he is supposed to be a real person.

Some apologists have suggested that maybe Adam & Eve were the first 2 people that reached a certain stage in evolution. In other words god said, "Well it looks like these two people have finally evolved enough, so I'm going to give them souls and designate them the first man and woman on earth. Just try to forget about all those other human looking creatures wandering the planet. I'm going to sterilze them so they die off and don't breed with any descendents of adam and eve." If you want to perform mental gymnastics in a desperate attempt to reconcile things you can do that, but I think deep down you know that that isn't the way it went down. It also doesn't fix the other issues that I'll cover below.

So now you're probably thinking just because Adam & Eve were real people doesn't mean the whole story is meant to be taken literally. That's a valid argument, so lets look deeper to see if we can find any verses that talk about other parts of the story. 1 Timothy 2:11-15 says "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety."

This author of this passage uses the Garden of Eden story to justify his sexism by explaining why women are not equals, that they are merely baby making machines. He clearly thinks the Garden of Eden story was not figurative, because if Eve never really ate the fruit and it was just a metaphor, then his claim would be baseless.

This Christian website does a very thorough job of showing that the Garden of Eden story is meant to be taken literally. Problem #3 below also contains a passage that shows it it means to be taken literally.

Problem 3: Without the Garden of Eden story you can kiss the concept of original sin goodbye. Original sin is a core concept in the Bible. Paul makes it abundantly clear that sin began with Adam in

Romans 5:12-18 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people."

Problem 4: If you take away Adam & Eve, you take away a whole lot more, like all their ancestors including Jesus.

Luke 3:23-38 lists the genealogy tracing Jesus' lineage all the way back to Adam. If Adam & Eve didn't exist and were not the first two humans on earth, then that genealogy was just made up. If Luke is making things up, why should we trust anything he said.

Problem 5: Genesis 1:27 says, "God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." The first life on earth is believed to have been a single celled organism, and that all life on earth evolved from this common ancestor. If god created mankind in his own image, does that mean god looks like a single celled organism? No wonder we can't see him; we haven't been looking for him at the microscopic level : )

There are many other problems with the story of Adam and Eve, but that should be enough to make my point.


The evidence I've provided makes it abundantly clear that the Garden of Eden story is meant to be taken literally, but since all the evidence shows that we evolved we know the Garden of Eden story can't be true and is nothing more than a work of fiction. If you take away the Garden of Eden story you take away one of the founding principles of Christianity and also call into question the validation of the rest of the Bible. If one of the first books of the Bible is filled with fiction, how can you trust any of it? So as I see it Christians are only left with two options:

1. Evolution is false but god intentionally planted all the evidence to make it look like evolution is true because he wants to confuse people, resulting in millions of people going to hell.

2. The Bible contains fictional stories so it is not a reliable source of information, and the concept of original sin is false.

If you don't believe in evolution I recommend heading over to this debate to post any objections or questions you have about it. When I get more time I'll add additional evidence to that debate, but a simple Google search on "evidence for evolution" should give you more than enough. Keep in mind there is A LOT of misinformation on the subject, so just because the first page you come across doesn't sound very believable doesn't mean you should stop there. The evidence for evolution is extensive and most people are simply unaware of it. Many people think all we have are a few fossils for evidence, but that is simply not true. Even if we didn't have a single fossil there is still have more than enough evidence for evolution.

Your going to hell

Side: Evidence showing it's true
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

To be fair, I think the modern interpretation of Christian teachings is probably way off from what it originally was. Many Christians don't seem to know what a Holy Spirit is. They also think that Satan is a literal being, even though Judaism, who introduced Satan into Old Testament claims he is just a metaphor, and the Catholic church said that after centuries of studying Biblical texts, they've come to the conclusion that hell is a metaphor, as well (took them long enough lol).

What we know as modern Christianity, seems to be the corrupted version that was passed on by the Holy Roman Empire.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
3 points

The fact that there's no evidence that it's true


Side: Evidence showing it's false
Side: Evidence showing it's false
LegoTheAnima(1) Disputed
2 points

I'm sorry, but this really isn't as much of a collection of "Failed Prophesies" as it is a collection of Prophesies that haven't been fulfilled yet. Do you even watch the news?

For example, All hell is breaking loose in the middle east. One nuclear launch on Egypt would turn it into a wasteland, wouldn't you say? It's really just a matter of perspective.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
4 points

You seemed to have picked one prophesy out of them all that could possibly happen in the future and ignored the rest.

The Destriction of Tyre prophesy cannot happen in the future because it had to be fulfilled by Nebuchadrezzar, who is long dead. It is a failed prophesy.

The Triumph of Judah prophecy said the king of Judah will not be harmed by his enemies, but they killed him. That is a failed prophesy.

The prophesy titled Isaiah predicts the Nile drying up, Sea draining lists a very specific timeline, which has already passed. It is a failed prophesy.

If you take the time to read those prophesies you will see that most of them have very specific conditions and/or timelines.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
2 points

Scientific research indicates that there is a human biological disposition towards faith (and thus religion) which tracks to particular parts of the brain structure. It is theorized based upon this evidence that faith (and thus all religions) is an evolutionary byproduct, thus undermining the probability that Christianity or other religions originated as anything other than human constructions. The weight of the evidence indicates that religion generally (including Christianity) is a neuro-biological process.

Evidential examples:;=&id;=nKRphq7s7x0C&oi;=fnd&pg;=PA1&dq;=genetic+predisposition+to+believe+in+god&ots;=mcVvkz3o20&sig;=eNWbQVCTtonmnhWK9poAzXhH5Wg#v=onepage&q;&f;=false

Side: Evidence showing it's false


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the story of Noah's Ark was fictional. The numerous problems with the story of Noah's Ark have already been covered in another debate so I won't go into details here, but here is the link if you're interested Noah_s_Ark_Fact_or_Fiction

Since the Bible contains fictional stories like Noah's Ark, I see no reason to believe the god it describes is not fictional as well.

Before you say, "They found Noah's Ark", people have claimed to have found Noah's Ark many times, but it always turns out to be a hoax or they later admit that it wasn't Noah's Ark afterall. If someone actually found Noah's Ark it would be all over the news and would go down as one of the most significant finds in history.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
kozlov(1754) Disputed
2 points

Perhaps Noah's arch was a bit of a grandieoss story, but it was not far off. The ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer suffered a great flood that wiped out most of their civilization. This is very similar to what happened in the bible.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
1 point

The flood isn't the major problem with the story of Noah's Ark, although it is definitely one of them. The major problem with the story of Noah's Ark is the animals, which is already covered in detail in the Noah's Ark debate.

Side: Evidence showing it's false

I think every story that contradicts physics proves it to be false. Jesus walking on water, water into wine, burning bush that spoke. Etc. Etc.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
Thewayitis(4071) Disputed
2 points

You have never heard a burning bush speak? I have. It said,"snap, crackle, pop". Bushes do speak. Next.

Side: Evidence showing it's true
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

Okay excluding the burning bush speak. The other stories are filled to the brim with falsities.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
1 point

There is no evidence that it is real and there is no evidence for it being false, even if you do give evidence to a christian or an atheist they just some how spit it back in your face using personal matters so it's really hard to tell whether there's proof or not.

Side: Evidence showing it's false
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

There is no evidence to definitively prove or disprove the existence of God, however science and reason give us greater probability in being correct should we conclude that it is significantly more likely that God is a human construct rather than an actual entity. (Please see my above post about the science of faith for details.)

I have not "spit" back any evidence against atheism or for theism because I have been presented with no such evidence. Stubborn superstition, plenty, but no evidence.

Side: Evidence showing it's true