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 What would the men in video games look like if they dressed like the women in video games? (13)

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Bettyjoe(402) pic

What would the men in video games look like if they dressed like the women in video games?

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While this is a huge problem in the video game industry, there ARE developers that do not have this issue. Look at games like the Mass Effect series, for example. Female and Male Commander Shepard have pretty much the exact same armor, short of the obvious minor shape differences for breasts (no breastplate nipples thankfully). It is an issue that is slowly but surely getting better.

As an aside, I find it difficult to listen to complaints about scantily clad female characters by the crowd who purchase pornographic literature with cover art depicting a similar or lesser amount of dress.

Nobody is fooled by calling them romance novels. If smut was romance, every straight woman would be fulfilled.

And this doesn't even touch on the fact that women tend to be depicted in a lesser role to men in general, even in literature 'intended' for women.

In fact, I'd say that literature as a whole is FAR more sexist and deprecating towards women than video games as a whole are.

1 point

Video games are sexist.

1 point

Are you claiming that video games are inherently sexist?

How so?

Whyfools(23) Disputed
1 point

Either you're very ignorant of the videogame world, or your mind has glossed over all the games where women weren't portrayed so sexually, because flat covered asses and small covered chest aren't noticeable and therefore not memorable.

1 point

So, how come they don't have guys that dress like the guy above?