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 What would the world's time, money, and resources be best spent on? (6)

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johnbonham32(2429) pic

What would the world's time, money, and resources be best spent on?

I think the title is pretty self-explanatory.

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not to fund terrorists like the u.s. has done before

sources: Should_we_abolish_nuclear_weapons,

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1 point


really, that's the only way to truly progress. so find ways to make life better with better technology (of all kinds; medical, social, warfare, all that good stuff).

Side: Technology

I do agree with Pyggy that technology is a very important aspect of our lives in all the areas he mentions yet I would add Medical Research to that in order to progress in the field of diseases we have not yet been able to cure. It is very frightening to realize that our present antibiotic choices are not adequate in fighting the newest viruses, infections and illnesses that have come about in the last few years.

Side: Medical Research and Technology
1 point

Improvement in technology helps with the improvement of medical research.

Side: Technology

Education should be the #1 priority. Stop spending the money on war and put the money toward Education.

Side: Medical Research and Technology