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 Which is better: youngest child, middle child, oldest child, or only child? (26)

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amd326(68) pic

Which is better: youngest child, middle child, oldest child, or only child?

Why? What are the up/downs to each one? What are your experiences?

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2 points

My personal opinion would be that the oldest child is better. I, myself, am the youngest child, but i'd rather be the oldest. The oldest may have to worry about the younger ones following them around, but then again wouldn't that be a good thing when it came to some things? I mean the older ones could help the younger ones with different things. They could teach them what they know, so that the younger ones don't have to go through life wondering about everything. I just wish my brother and sister took the time to do that with me...who knows that could have made a difference in my life.

amd326(68) Disputed
2 points

i'm an older child, and trust me, it's a lot harder than it looks.

1 point

I am the oldest child and it sucks. I have to set the example and if I bite my nails the wrong way I'm in trouble because my bro and sis can't figure out how to be their own person.

2 points

There is no better.... Each age is special. If there are problems beween age groups socially among the family, then its the kids faults and mabye even the family's fault. A little brother and a big brother can be special in so many ways. It benefits both of them to be together, if they decide to get along the right way. I beleive focusing on who is older can hurt a relationship. From experince let it come naturally, the respect for lolder simblings, dont shove it down your little brothers/sisters throats.

amd326(68) Disputed
0 points

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! I never knew you were so incisive!!!! And you're an youngest child?? with an older sister who you don't see much?? figures....

hoegy(308) Disputed
1 point

im the older brother........... dont judge a book by its cover

1 point

I'm the oldest. Prefer being the oldest. Would hate to be the youngest, they get bullied the most, but then again they're also spoilt the most. Middle is a bit of both, but not so much.

Only child is the worst. They're just loners.

pamina9(62) Disputed
2 points

It's actually not so bad. You don't have to grope for attention, and you learn how to entertain himself. I think it gives you some time to think, to really figure out who you are.

1 point really have your life all figured out. but that's true. when my little sister isn't around, i have time to think and be happy.

1 point

yes...i'm an oldest to. i hate it. if your the oldest, you have all this reponsibility, and you don't have enough time to do what you want, cause your sibling has to come with you everywhere!

1 point

It wasn't that bad for me. Maybe when I was younger it was annoying but my brother got his own friends and we didn't really hang out much afterwards. Now we're at an age where we can take care of ourselves.

I don't like you, but i agree with that besides the youngest gets spoiled the most. I was the youngest and my older sister was the one to get spoiled the most. She still is, but then again i have a very screwed up family.

1 point

I totally agree! I'm a loner! I hate not having someone to constatly argue with. (:

1 point

Youngest; gets spoiled, don't do much, gets pick on.

Middle; is sometimes forgotten about, shares most of his or her things.

Oldest; most responsibility, shows the younger how to grow up and at the right age.

Only; normal bored, never gets put down because they are doing the best they can do and is not compaired to the older or younger one for them doing better.

1 point

I think middle child is best because the oldest and youngest generally end up with issues. Middle children end up being the best adjusted.

Side: Middle child
1 point

WEll im a middle child. I would just hate, hate, hate to be a single child! you get bored but you are also more spoiled so i like being middle. I have an older brother and a younger brother/

Side: Middle child

Trust me its not easy being the oldest it sucks trust me!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: older
1 point

Middle or youngest child. Oldest or only children have more pressure put on them to "grow up". We don't always measure up. I actually prefer middle children. Sure, the oldest and youngest may get more attention. But the middle child can make their own reputation.

Side: Middle child
0 points

I think being the only kid would be the best. Only children get to sped more time w/ their family, they get to have more things, do more things, not be followed around by a younger sibling trying to be as great as you, or being bossed around by an older sibling who thinks they're better than you. To be an only child means more freedom, happiness, and quiet. I, myself, am an oldest kid; I hate it. My younger sister follows me around like a lost puppy (actually, I wouldn't mind being followed around by a puppy, they're cute!)

Side: only
0 points

Being the middle of five, I can say the lucky child is the one never born. The first is often treated like an only child, spoiled. The youngest, who knows for sure another may not come along.( of course there are a few guarantees)

I have an older brother and an older sister and also a younger brother and a younger sister, the middle does not exist. It does make one very independent and a bit stubborn.

Side: none
3 points

poor you....

i agree totally about the whole first is treated like an olny child. the first had a few years of their life in heaven, w/ thier parents all to themselves, friends all to themselves, house and life to themselves. Then comes a new baby, and your life is ripped out of your hands. it sucks.

Side: none