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 Which of the 10 commandments would you replace and what would you replace it with (15)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Which of the 10 commandments would you replace and what would you replace it with

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If you can't be good..., don't get caught. If you get caught..., suck it up and accept your punishment. P.S. He's always watching ;)

1 point

Just one? Jeesh, that's a hard choice.

I guess the lord's name in vain. What does an all powerful being care what someone says about him? Besides, by the definition anytime anyone ever prayed for anything that didn't happen it was "in vain" technically, making christians just about the worst sinners around I think.

Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

Instead of thinking literally think more in terms of thoughts and behavior. Sure you ought not actually say the lord's name in vain but the real purpose is to teach people to treat God with the awe he is due through their behavior and thoughts towards him. He is not a trivial casual being. I learned that from a guy named Max Lucado who learned it from a Jewish Rabbi. Seems to make sense.

iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

So you heard from someone who heard from someone who I'm assuming heard from someone...

Jesus Christ, Zeus, Buddha, Flying Spaghetti Monster and Allah.

The sad thing is you probably don't see the irony.

The whole thing is a mummer's farce. If there were a god he'd be laughing in jester's attire and religion would be his greatest prank.

1 point

Ok here's 10

Find anything disagreeable?

1. Thou shalt take part in the healing and strengthening of oneself and others.

2. Thou shalt recognize rights of others equal to your own, and never desire harm upon someone, but healing.

3. Thou shalt recognize that susceptibility to error is inescapable, and that it becomes more dangerous with increasingly concentrated power.

4. Thou shalt with diligence, admit mistakes and wrongdoing.

5. Thou shalt not exalt comfort, ease, and convenience above all else, nor make a virtue of always avoiding strenuous effort.

6. Thou shalt not forget the importance of play, laughter, and rest.

7. Thou shalt not worship.

8. Thou shalt mature past the leader/follower mentality, neither desiring to give commands or obey them.

9. Thou shalt demand the dignity of give and take conversations and refuse to listen passively or submit to indoctrination.

10. Thou shalt take seriously your role as a living link between the past and the future, honoring the right and resisting the wrong.

3 points

1. Thou shalt take part in the healing and strengthening of oneself and others.

All others, or just those dispose to reciprocate?

2. Thou shalt recognize rights of others equal to your own, and never desire harm upon someone, but healing.

What are these rights? If one is not allowed to wish harm upon another person, is it not the case that freedom of conscience is not among those rights? If so sovereign and important a right has thus been revoked, what other rights can possibly have escaped the same fate?

8. Thou shalt mature past the leader/follower mentality, neither desiring to give commands or obey them.

Does the irony of commanding somebody not to obey commands escape you?

1 point

Does the irony of commanding somebody not to obey commands escape you?

You get an upvote for this. Enjoy!

atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

All others, or just those dispose to reciprocate?

It's rather moot unless you consider yourself fit to play a significant part in the strengthening and healing of ALL others.

What are these rights?

The same rights you enjoy.

If one is not allowed to wish harm upon another person, is it not the case that freedom of conscience is not among those rights?

Provided I properly understood your double negative question...

I have no authority to disallow a person freedom of conscience. Freedom of conscience is nearly as irrevocable a right as the right to live. Me making a "thou shalt" statement doesn't revoke anyones rights.

Does the irony of commanding somebody not to obey commands escape you?

Did I make a command? Thou shalt understand them as commands if thats your disposition. ;)

I already broke # 5 ;)

1 point

But your swift adherence to number 4 is noted, and of course #6 doesn't appear to be a problem at all for you.

1 point

1. Me=Yes Others=Never

2. Life, Liberty, and Property are the only rights that are important.

4. Never

6. Why do I need a commandment to do that?

7. I will always worship.

10. Why do I need a commandment to do that? Just living life is enough.

atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

1. Me=Yes Others=Never

But if you aren't concerned at all with the well being of others, you are neglecting your own.

2. Life, Liberty, and Property are the only rights that are important.

Rights are liberties. Check your logic.

4. Never

Of course it's your choice to stay in that crowded prison full of cowards

6. Why do I need a commandment to do that?

I'm stumped!

7. I will always worship.

I'm truly curious what your reasoning behind that statement is.

10. Why do I need a commandment to do that? Just living life is enough.

Who said these were commandments? perhaps I am describing a class of people so they can recognize each other. ;)