
Debate Info

Republican Democrat
Debate Score:53
Total Votes:72
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 Republican (11)
 Democrat (19)

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munster(49) pic

Which side has smarter views


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 36

Fuck both of these sides. Libertarian! Think of it this way, the other parties have all had their chance to screw up, why can't we?

Side: libertarian
1 point

Fuck them sore!

what do you think of the green party?

They seem to be quite different from the two domineering ones.

Side: Independents
1 point

The green party? They seem to be on the hippy side of things. But at least they have the intellect to be outside the main parties.

Side: libertarian
2 points

This question is really kind of loaded. It all depends on how you wanna live your life. I don't feel like one is better than the other fundamentally, but I think you really need to choose a side that suits your beliefs and your morals better. For me that would be the republican side. I belief in tough love and working hard for what you want--picking yourself up out of the dirt when you get bucked off your horse. This is why this side gets my vote.

Side: Republican
1 point

I'm coming to just despise the Republican Party, but one thing about them is that they at least want to cut down on some spending... vs. the Democrats who really just want government to be as big as it always was.

Democrats, for a Liberal Party, are not very Liberal. This is what pisses me off the most. The Republicans at least support some forms of liberal economics, but Democrats seem to not really support social liberalism (unless it's political correctness or fairness doctrine censorship bullshit). As a person who leans Libertarian, I find it very hard to support the Democrats when they hardly ever do anything for civil liberties. They seem to, however, be very concerned about the civil liberties of alleged terrorists who are water-boarded for information needed at the time.

I believe that Liberals who really care about Liberalism should start reevaluating what party they are supporting. Now, I understand that part of Liberalism is to support powerful government in order to keep entitlement programs, but considering the failure of these programs, should they at least look to the Libertarian Party as an alternative, for they are the party that seems to support FAR more Liberal policies than the Democrats.

And the same goes for Individualists and Capitalists on the Republican ticket... to call yourself a Conservative implies that you have to be against gay marriage and abortion, but is that what most Conservatives are? I believe that most Conservatives, at least the rational ones, are more concerned about the corporatism that big government supports which only hurts Capitalism. They should also be more concerned about individuals losing their liberties. I find it hard to believe that most Conservatives are just a bunch of bigots who want policies to be formed based on Christian Morality. I believe that they're just misguided by Republican rhetoric, but if they did their own research or questioning, they would find that the Libertarian Party is most likely a much better party to support (unless they believe in voter turnout... the Libertarian Party is a major minority, even though so many "tea-party" republicans spout edited Libertarian arguments).

Side: Republican
1 point

The two-party system is a giant turd sandwich, and we've all got to take a bite. Independent voters don't really exist. Everyone has a clear view of how they think things should work (at least at a very basic level, no matter how uneducated they are.) The reason there are so many independents now is because Republicans and Democrats represent two halves of the nastiest, dark brown with bits of green and yellow, melt in your mouth, drip down your throat, shit burger. That's a fact. Nick Gillespie/Matt Welch 2016!

Side: libertarian
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

There is no Two-Party System something that has been reinforced by the behavior of the Republican Party as of late. I don't necessarily believe this is happening but it is a good way to explain why every single year government grows rather than shrinks no matter who holds office.

" The idea that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies... is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw out the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other part, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies."- Professor Carroll Quigley author of Tragedy & Hope

Side: Republican
Qymosabi(203) Disputed
1 point

Rather than reading Professor Carroll Quigley author of Tragedy & Hope perhaps you should watch "End Game" by alex jones... If you think that republican party doesn't reinforce the two party system it is because you lack education. Both parties reinforce each other to keep the sytem in place just as Al Gore said "I DON'T AGREE WITH THE DECISION BUT.....I ACCEPT IT".

End Game by Alex Jones
Side: Democrat
-1 points

Republicans they do because they are smarter they are more patriotic and theyd rather let the people make the decisions not the govt. GO GOP! Rick Santorum 2012!! Sarah Palin 2012! Donald Trump 2012! Dems have 0 balls and use 0 facts in there arguments alot of the time.

Side: Republican
casper3912(1556) Disputed Banned
3 points

Do you have supporting evidence?

What about the " patriot act", the legislation against homosexuals, and so on. It seems Republicans are no libertarians.

Also, unions and many regulations on industry are results of people protesting, campaigning, etc for them. Consider the history of the minimum wage.

What makes a patriot?

Side: Democrat

" It seems Republicans are no libertarians."

Truer words have never been spoken :)

Side: libertarian
0 points

I would not vote if I had to vote for a Democrat. I am not a socialist...and I am pro-life.

Side: Republican
1 point

there are many democrats who are anti-abortion.

Also, embryos aren't the only life. People could say that being against war that's not a last resort, against capital punishment, and for social safety nets for the disabled and destitute might constitute a pro-life position.

Side: Democrat
-1 points

I dont wanna be a libertarian I am a REPUBLICAN. Decrease spending and lowering taxes are the means to economic growth which is how a nation really prospers not entitlement programs etc. That is why the Republicans are better. Furthermore they have the Moral high ground, Homosexuality and Abortion are both detestable behaviors, and no I am not judging... God is.

Side: Republican
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

Decrease spending and lowering taxes are the means to economic growth

Obviously lowering taxes cannot always ensure prosperity because eventually we would cut ourselves down to no taxes, which wouldn't exactly be good either. Rather the point is to have balanced taxes.

Furthermore they have the Moral high ground

I very much doubt that to be the case.

Side: Independents
RudeRebel(45) Disputed
1 point

So you're going to tell people what they can do with their own lives. If I want to fuck some guy, that's my choice. I don't, but what if the situation were reversed? What if, do to its frequent militaristic disciples, and the animosity religion generates. They outlawed prayer in public places. Now, I'm sure you would be all up in arms about that. "They're stepping on my first amendment right to believe whatever I choose!" and you would be right. Telling people they aren't allowed to live freely without hurting anyone so long as it offends a portion of the population isn't taking a "moral high ground" it's despotism. You would know that if you understood anything about living in a free society, or believed in the ideals of this country. Beyond that Issues like homosexuality don't belong in the white house. The government needs to be reduced drastically, by almost half, if we want to regain some sense of sustainability. And now, you a "Republican" want to police the fags? You probably want to put all Muslims on watch lists too. You freaking bigot. That's who hides behind "moral high ground" bigots who want everyone to be free...... to live exactly like they do.

Side: libertarian

The philosophy of blended Capitalism and Socialism is, in my opinion, the smartest approach (currently most similar to the Democratic side, though they aren't its best advocates, and I think it is unfortunate that we are stuck with the 2 party system.)

Having military, police, fire, emergency services, an educated populace, a judicial system, infrastructure, bankruptcy protection, all make it easier for an entrepreneur to focus on creating business.

And OSHA, worker's comp, clean air/water, social security/disability insurance, unemployment insurance, and many of the above create the stability and efficiency needed to allow a person to dedicate 40 hours or more a week to labor, rather than stay home, grow their own food and protect their homestead.

We choose which functions to delegate to corporations or governments to increase our own productivity. My default preference is for a corporate solution, but definitely feel there are instances where government makes more sense (natural monopolies like roads, power lines, etc - and moral hazards like private prisons where corporations profit when more people are in jail.)

While many libertarian policies are attractive to me at first glance, they can tend toward being penny-wise and pound-foolish in the long run. For instance, imagine you are a legislator for your state, and you are presented with a bill requesting an appropriation for an after school program. The bill is accompanied by conclusive (to your satisfaction) studies showing that each $1,000/year spent on this program saves $5,000/year on juvenile detention spending. A true libertarian legislator would still vote no on this program, but most pragmatists would vote for the program. If the money was equal ($1000/year for after school saves $1000/year in detention spending), I believe a liberal might still be likely to vote for the program if there were sufficient non-monetary social benefits (positive social and mental benefits of the after-school program vs. negative self-image, etc. associated with early incarceration).

Side: Democrat
2 points

Democrats are definitely smarter, but Republicans have the balls. Democrats are cowards when it comes to standing up to them.

Side: Democrat

Exactly! Which explains how Obama was able to get elected by promising to close down Guantanamo Bay, get us out of the wars in the Middle East, etc. ;)

Side: Democrat
2 points

Buh Ha-ha-ha-ha! Smarter? As in which one hurts more? The two parties and two sides of the same coin. If you all think that these Repungecrats are different - you have been lulled into the 'suspension of disbelief' by the televised political kabuki.

MODERN WHIG PARTY represent moderate voters from all walks of life who cherry-pick between traditional Democratic and Republican ideals would seem the best to me. (Independent)

US Marijuana Party (USMJP) -they just are not motivated enough to get off thier hemp weave hammocks.... ;)

Lot of socialist parties - but eeech - none that are strong enough to hurt (smart) - a good thing

OBJECTIVIST PARTY - "seeks to promote Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism a platform nearly identical to that of the Libertarian Party.

BTW Ayn Rand is one sick bitch - she fell in love with a soiciopath who tortured little kids and used his profile as the main hero in her book "Atlas Shrugged". Screw her and the asses on mules they rode on.....

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: Democrat
2 points

What you are really asking "which side to you agree with?" Do you honestly think anybody is going to respond with "well I vote republican but I know that the Democrats are smarter"? Most people support the side that makes more sense to them. Generally, they will assume that the side that does so is in some way intellectually superior. But then, few people (excluding some independents and extreme centrists) would actually change their view when presented with new information. Why?

For most people, its not about knowledge, but priorities. Everyone has their own set of priorities, and their political and philosophical preferences will form based on those priorities.

Look at economic issues: in a broad sense (there are certainly exceptions, but I am generalizing here) conservative economic policies favor efficiency (maximizing the mount of money flowing through the economy) whereas liberal policies tend to favor equity (making sure everybody in the economy can benefit as much as possible.) Because most policies cannot favor both simultaneously (they are practically mutually exclusive), we are forced to pick sides, and our personal prioritization of concepts like fairness, upward mobility, interconnectivity and personal choice will play the primary role in determining what the individual favors. If you have all of the facts on an issue, you will evaluate the pros and cons based on these priorities, not really the facts themselves.

Neither side is smarter, at least not in a universal sense (there are village idiots and mensa members in both camps), they just want different things and are willing to make different sacrifices.

Side: Neither
1 point

I am not on either side. I am centrist .

Side: Democrat

The Democrats have smarter views because their views want to help the middle class and the poor.

Side: Democrat
0 points

I'm more on the Progressive side, which isn't always strictly democrat. However I can say that I'm smarter than Churchmouse and Joe, so I vote here.

Plus there have been studies. Democrats on average have higher IQ's and their decisions are less fear-based. Of course if you're republican you don't believe science anyway... which kind of answers the question.

Side: Democrat
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
2 points

"However I can say that I'm smarter than Churchmouse and Joe, so I vote here"

You can say this how? Because they believe different than you or is it that Joe has a brilliant mind for jokes that still make a point? Please provide some scientific evidence oh enlightened one.

Side: Republican
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

No, because I beat them by every rule of logic every time they give me a sermon. I understand the rules of logic so I know how to keep score... therefore yeah, I'm smarter.

And what's with the downvote? You have some specific arguement or did you just want attention?

Side: Democrat
1 point

My mother is a Christian and she is Democrat. How do you explain that?

Side: Democrat