
Debate Info

Lib men aren't natural Libs don't understand gender
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Lib men aren't natural (6)
 Libs don't understand gender (2)

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Impo(13) pic

Why are dating coaches always conservative?

Lib men aren't natural

Side Score: 6

Libs don't understand gender

Side Score: 3
1 point

NOM if Lib men aren't natural how is it your Daddy impregnated your MOMMY ??????

Side: Lib men aren't natural
1 point

NOM was your DADDY gender confused and MOMMY was artificially inseminated ?????????

Side: Lib men aren't natural
1 point

Why are dating coaches always conservative?

NOM you got any proof you Little Gurl/Boy from MOMMY ???????????

Side: Lib men aren't natural
1 point

NOM did MOMMY tell you that dating coaches were an important part of your MISERABL LIFE ?????????????

Side: Lib men aren't natural

Because men who lie about their sexual prowess and success with women are ALWAYS Conservative.

Side: Libs don't understand gender
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Because men who lie about their sexual prowess and success with women are ALWAYS Conservative.

NOM does not LIKE sexual prowess because his DADDY could have raped MOMMY !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Lib men aren't natural
Mopac(73) Disputed
1 point

Or maybe the conservative position is to marry and treat that one woman with love, respect, and dignity for the rest of their life.

Or maybe conservative doesn't mean anything, because a liberal becomes a conservative in 20 years without having to change a single position!

Side: Lib men aren't natural
1 point

How genders do the Confused Socialist know of NOM ????????????

Side: Libs don't understand gender