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Fear of Muslim reprisals. Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:27
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 Fear of Muslim reprisals. (12)
 Ali-Bongos can do no wrong. (13)

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Norwich(1576) pic

Why are the lefties/Wokes silent on repressive sexism in Iran?

At the slightest hint of sexism in any western country the militant feminist mobs unite internationally and go on a screaming spree, holding destructive demonstrations, disrupting normal life for everyone and accusing all males of being misogynistic women beaters.
But, their silence is deafening when the police of an Ali-Bongo nation murder a woman for not wearing her head covering properly.

Fear of Muslim reprisals.

Side Score: 14

Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.

Side Score: 13
2 points

Why are the lefties/Wokes silent on repressive sexism in Iran?

Hello N:

Because I don't condemn every single bad act in the world does NOT mean I support them...

For your edification, here again is my blanket condemnation of everything bad in the world..


Side: Fear of Muslim reprisals.
Norwich(1576) Disputed
1 point

Well, your reply, for which I thank you, is acceptance that the lefties silence is wrong.

Verbal and demonstrative opposition to murder along with social and gender injustice must be consistent.

Either speak out all the time, or don't speak out at all.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
AngelofRot(31) Disputed
1 point

Because I don't condemn every single bad act in the world does NOT mean I support them.

But you will invite their abusive husbands into America so you feel diverse right?

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
1 point

The main stream media give top coverage of any instance which they consider to be sex discrimination against females and report such allegations as being the result of the scourge of mankind;- toxic masculinity.

When it comes to Abdul the Bull-Bull and his Muslim thugs murdering a women for, in the opinion of Muslim male religious police, not wearing her hijab in a fitting manner the mobs of hysterical feminists turn into quite groups of softly spoken, little Miss Prime & Proper goody-two-shoes.

Now, why ever could that be?

Side: Fear of Muslim reprisals.
1 point

Well first there is the fear of extremists. Yet, if you look at the video from feminist frequency Anita explains why. Also, there are two great Salon articles.

This is a lot of reading. To summarize in my own words, there is a lot of anti-Muslim hate, too much. To criticize Islam more runs the risk of Islamphobia, xenophobia, and racism.

Furthermore, religion is complicated. Christians and atheists barely understand Christianity let alone trying to understand a religion that is so remote. Just look at the errors on Judeo-Christian that Christopher Hitchens makes in his book God is not Great.

The historical, political, geographical, mistranslations, and more add a depth to the subject that makes it easy to blunder. For example take Mormons, their religion reflects a North America center point of view. Buddism a far east view and so forth. Geographical location really matters with religion.

Coming from the outside if main stream western media did what you said, it would just come off as western hate and make the situation worse. Basic form of consequentialism.

On the other hand Christianity and western nations politics are much more familiar. As an insider we are heard better. With over two billion Christians in the world, often in places of power presidents of the most powerful nations in the world, it makes sense to focus on Christianity

Just look at the military and GDP of the United States versus Iran. The power of the western media to reach far and penetrate deep. Christianity and the western nations are simply more powerful.

Manufacturing a Muslim Menance.
Side: Fear of Muslim reprisals.
Norwich(1576) Disputed
1 point

Thanks for the reply in which you make some good points.

However, the view I was trying to express was not meant to criticize or promote any particular religion, but to focus attention on the leftist media's (which IS the M.S.M) silence when a gender driven atrocity, or any other religious motivated outrage is committed in an Islamic State or by Islamists anywhere in the world.

The news blackout of such events is in stark contrast to the trumpeting and bellowing of feigned indignation from the likes of C.N.N., and the New York Times if there is even a suspicion of any form of misogyny from a non-Muslim source.

Take for instance the way in which so many of us, including me, demean and scoff at many parts of the holy scriptures as depicted in The Bible.

Insofar that Christianity is sufficiently robust to withstand the sticks and stones of the jeering atheists we have no fear in hurling insults at this religion in the knowledge that we won't suffer any lethal violence against our person.

For just one instance, consider what happened in the name of Allah to the employees of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine in Paris.

This murderous act of barbarity bears witness to the fear Islamists have at weaknesses in their scriptures being exposed.

This is also a graphic illustration of how cowardly and easily intimidated the leftist/liberal/woke press and broadcasters are and why they only spit out their venom at Christianity and conservative western nations.

Courageously publishing ''The Truth'' is rendered null & void if ''The Truth'' refers to Islam.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
CucumberHole(76) Disputed
1 point

This is a lot of reading. To summarize in my own words, there is a lot of anti-Muslim hate, too much

True. I just watched the left on this very site say anyone who believes in a god should not be allowed to run for office and that they should actually be exiled from the country. peoplewhoworshipaGodanyGodbebarredfromholdingpublicoffice#arg1072225

That would exclude all Muslims from office and/or citizenship in America. When the left goes hot and heavy on being anti Christian bigots, perhaps they should examine what exactly their words mean for Muslims and Jews as well and not be full on hypocrites, or at minimum choose their words a bit more carefully.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
1 point

The lefties and Wokes restrict their abusive tirades to what they perceive to be acts or remarks of misogynist chauvinism to white, conservative, Christian males whom they've succeeded into cowering into submission.

Lefties, Wokes and feminists in their TRUE COLORS.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Lefties, Wokes and feminists in their TRUE COLORS.

Hello N:

Nahhh.. As a lib, I'm thinking most libs are just like me.. Given our liberal stance on feminism, to even the casual observer, it should be OBVIOUS what side we're on, WITHOUT having to verbalize it.

You remember a while ago, we had this yahoo on the site who said that if I didn't post an argument with every claim he made, meant that I agreed with his claims.. I believe I called him stupid, or something.

You don't wanna sound like him, do you?


Side: Fear of Muslim reprisals.
Norwich(1576) Disputed
1 point

Let me make my position clear.

The thrust of my post was not directed towards anyone on this forum, but was meant to highlight the silence of those knights in shining armour who in circumstances involving western cultural practices enthusiastically become the self appointed champions of women's rights.

But once the spectre of confronting Islamists enters the equation, the once courageous gallants pull up the Drawbridge, drop the Portcullis then go into hiding, usually under the bed.

I certainly don't expect every left-wing liberal to individually voice their disgust at the murderous repression of females in the Muslim nations of the world but I do expect the otherwise voluble feminist warriors and the liberal media to continue even-handedly with their crusade for women's equality regardless of the source of inequality.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
LordSauron(332) Disputed
1 point

Nahhh.. As a lib, I'm thinking most libs are just like me..

So you like to touch children and expose yourself to them. And liberals also want to wipe out anyone who believes in God, which would basically be your entire minority base. Thanks for proving I'm on the correct side.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.

This entire debate is concern trolling. "What about women in the 3rd world?" This is a classic concern troll tactic.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.
Norwich(1576) Disputed
1 point

If you don't wish to participate in the debate then fuck off and engage in some activity more commensurate with your arrested intellect, such as yodelling up the canyon.

Off you go now like a good lad.

Side: Fear of Muslim reprisals.
1 point

This method has been used to to conceal 1st world problems and suppress 1st world protestors for a long time. Minimum wage only $7.25? What about people in the first world who only make a dollar a day? This is a fallacy of relative privation.

Despite the fact that a minimum wage increase in the 1st would probably help the 3rd world. This is because inequitable wages means more pollution and waste of talent. More c02 to cause climate change and less talent to help repair the damage.

Side: Ali-Bongos can do no wrong.