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Red state policies Blue state policies
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Red state policies (2)
 Blue state policies (5)

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Hrisovala(51) pic

Why has California lost 400,000 people while Florida has gained 250,000?

Red state policies

Side Score: 2

Blue state policies

Side Score: 5
1 point

Why has California lost 400,000 people while Florida has gained 250,000?

Hello H:

My guess is, they're amongst the 47% of Americans who'v lost their minds.

Does any of that change things for me? Nooo, of course not.. I'm not a lib because other people are.. I'm a lib because it's the right thing to be.


Side: Red state policies
Developing(494) Disputed
1 point

Excon, liberal policies and woke behavior has clearly led to the destruction of California. Democrats in California have only brought the state incredibly high taxes, increased crime, poor infrastructure, mass homelessness, mass pollution, ridiculous vaccine mandates, illegal aliens and yearly fires.

Democrats (especially in California) are losers/cowards that are afraid of debate on these (above) issues.

Side: Blue state policies
Pench(841) Clarified
1 point

Excon is a clever dude and knows all that you have stated to be true.

Apart from being a natural rebel and, on occasions a mischievous devil's advocate, I can't think why he, or any intelligent person would support the Democrats.

The best guess I can make is that they don't realize that they're mindlessly engaging in the standard feature of American politics of tribal voting.

These otherwise discerning people place more importance on someone's personality than their policies and executive abilities.

In other words, if they like someone they will run with the policies of the guy they have a fondness for regardless of how demonstratively disastrous they may be.

This character flaw displays a serious degree of poor management acumen.

The liberal Democrats have turned California into a third world shit-hole akin to The Black Hole of Calcutta.

What sticks in the craw is that while they're wreaking havoc on America they think they're doing a stellar job.

No one is being elected or paid to be liked, just to effect their function in the most efficient and beneficial way for the electorate.

Side: Red state policies
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

and yearly fires.

Hello hater:

To blame yearly fires on the Democrats, is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID..


Side: Red state policies
1 point

Difficult to make a comprehensive list of the reasons to which this phenomenon can be attributed, but in a few words it's exclusively down to MODERN DAY Liberalism, the Woke cult, gender benders, partial legalization of shoplifting and the law enforcement agencies being POLITICALLY COERCED to turn-a-blind-eye to such crimes as burglaries, car jackings, grand theft auto and many other felonies.

California used to be everyone's dream state in which to settle.

Remember songs like;- California Dreaming, If You're Going to San Francisco, California girls and many more*?

Now the crime ridden streets of most of California's towns and cities, especially San Francisco, have wall to wall homeless druggies, muggers, vacant stores filled with human excrement & urine.

Now, as you rhetorically asked, why ever would anyone want to migrate from what used to be HEAVEN ON EARTH to what is now the Liberal's own brand of HELL ON EARTH, FOR NORMAL, DECENT, HARDWORKING PEOPLE?


Side: Blue state policies
1 point

I also wonder if the migration from this SHITHOLE STATE could also be credited to the changing landscapes of the parks and open spaces which used to be filled with the heart-warming sounds of children playing and laughing, the puffing and panting of fat joggers trying to lose weight, pretty girls sunbathing, people enjoying a lunchtime snack and a leisurely stroll, that has now been replaced by 100s of tent encampments without any sanitation and all the health risks and repulsive stenches that go with these third world canvas shantytowns.

Why, we wonder do people not enjoy indulging in filling their nostrils with the smell of fresh steaming human turds, being shouted at and called filthy names by the druggies, having themselves and their children molested by boozed-up, drugged out vagrant perverts?

Side: Blue state policies
1 point

Meanwhile doesn't Florida have an absolutely bollocks governor? And aren't the fires and homelessness due to national policy and ignorance?

You are trying to mark an easy, uncharitable win against the 'libtards', winning simply for winning's sake.

Side: Blue state policies