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 Why is "Islamophobia" considered worse than homophobia? (32)

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TheEccentric(3382) pic

Why is "Islamophobia" considered worse than homophobia?

Mulsims are homophobic. But if you protest against this homophobia you become "Islamophobic". This seems to show a hierarchy in phobias. If you ask me "Islamophobia" is a stupid term as a phobia is an irrational fear and fear of this evil religion is anything other than irrational.
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2 points

If you ask me "Islamophobia" is a stupid term as a phobia is an irrational fear and fear of this evil religion is anything other than irrational.

Islam is only evil when compared to today's moral and ethical opinion. When Mohammed established Islam, the world's major cultures were very different than today's. Human rights and freedom have taken center stage. The current problem is that Islam has not evolved to fit modern cultural norms. If Islam is to become the peaceful religion it claims to be, when compared to today's cultural norms, many fundamental reforms have to take place. These reforms will be driven by culture not by Islam.

Islam has lost its way in the maze;today quite rightly this religion is seen as quite detrimental to any social progress;due to its lack of modernization ,it is seen as "an evil force terrorizing the globe";Mate,I do agree with the points you have made.

1 point

Well then, at least two of us have this mess figured out. Now if we can replace Obama with an actual leader -----------------------------

1 point

I am not sure if what you are talking about even happens, but I think I might have an explanation.

There are more Muslims than homosexuals. So, generalizations about Muslims will target a wider group of people. Since many Muslims likely don't care about who is gay your statement would be false and hateful. The problem is that it is very difficult to separate generalizations from actual trends that are true.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
2 points

Since many Muslims likely don't care about who is gay your statement would be false and hateful.

Most Muslims aren't keen on homosexuality

1 point

If you surveyed Christians they would say the same thing. There is a difference between funding something immoral and hating that thing. It is hard to gauge how they really feel if they didn't live in countries with crazy rules.

DKCairns(868) Disputed
1 point

I agree that it is probable that there are many moderate Muslims who are not radical in their approach to gender issues, and yet again, with extremists we find that Islam is made out to be something that it is not for most Muslims.

1 point

Why are you disputing me?

Just because extremists make some generalizations wrong doesn't mean you can't make some blanket statements that are true.

1 point

I'm sure most Muslims do disapprove of it. They would be going against their own religion if they didn't. The Quran is very homophobic. Furthermore there are a significant number of homophobic Muslims. Homosexuality is illegal under sharia and LGBTs are persecuted in many Muslim countries. Even in Britain in areas with high Muslim populations religious vigilantes roam the streets harassing gays or those who seem gay to them.

My statement is hateful but it is far from false. I am right to hate them as they hate me.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

What the Quran says doesn't matter. What matters is what Muslims think it does.

It's not pretty.

1 point

I have mophobia. That's a fear of more phobias being invented.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

it's just as bad as momofophobia - the fear of more mofo's...

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

or, what someone says when they have mophobia and a stutter...

1 point

I wouldn't necessarily say it is. Then again, I lack expertise in the oppression olympics to be able to tell which is considered worse.

That said, if we were to ask which is worse, then I would definitely say homophobia. Simply put, far worse things happen to homosexuals worldwide, for being homosexual, than to Muslims, for being Muslim (placing emphasis on "Muslim", because I don't consider intra-Islamic conflicts to be "Islamophobia")

daver(1771) Disputed
2 points

I see it the other way around. The effect of Obama's Islamophobia is to obscure a very large and powerful ideology that literally millions of people follow. Because of this, the potential for violence and death worldwide is far greater than any caused by homophobia. Plus homophobia is well on its way out, while violent Islam is clearly on the rise.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Obama's Islamophobia

Might be my fault for not keeping up with his antics, but I haven't seen anything that would evidence this. In fact, I remember him giving a speech about how Islam was important to the US.

Protests against the barbaric Muslims should be our motto especially when we see them killing dozens in Charlie Hebdo in France ,torturing tons in Iraq,Saudi;Plus, they blasted the World Trade Center,instigated a atrocious assault in Mumbai,snatched and wiped the lives of so many in Sydney;they are roaming around ,unpunished; thereby,each and one of us should start fight against this bad,cold-blooded hitlers.

Besides they create horror ,terror and demolish the ideals of liberty .

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

You are correct in your assessment of primitive Muslims. The religion was born in a different world, as was Christianity. The difference being that millions of Muslims remain in their centuries old ideologies, while the rest of the world evolved. The current clash will end when Islam evolves to fit into the 21st century, or maybe the 22nd.

Well, for one, freedom of religion has been one of the biggest ideals that the US was formed over, and has been at least a historical issue for almost every developed society.

Support for freedom of religion is nearly ubiquitous and it's taken for granted that everyone has the right to practice his or her religion.

By comparison, the issue of gay rights is a relatively new one- at least insofar as being tabled for legal discussion re: rights and whatnot.

I'm not suggesting that religious rights are somehow 'more important' than rights pertaining to sex, gender and the like- there is just a lot more inertia behind the importance of religious freedom vs the importance of gay rights.

That and there are some who are concerned about antagonizing Muslims due to most recent visible terrorist attacks being linked (either factually or in error) to factions within Islam; nobody is concerned that Randy is going to start beheading straights, asexuals, and transexuals if we offend his sexuality.

1 point

I have a real phobia about phobias. I'm what's known as a phobiaphobic.

1 point

Homophobia is present in most religions. You can be accused of being Islamophobic by just singling out Islamic beliefs and insinuating that Islam is the only religion promoting homophobia.

1 point

It's a bigoted statement to say "Muslims are homophobic", especially with no proof. You could, instead, use some definitive evidence to show how Islamic teachings preach against homosexual relationships. You could even use case studies or statistics to show hate crimes for Muslims against LGBT individuals. Basing your views off of a gut feeling isn't always the best idea.

I don't think the hatred against any one group of people is worse than the hatred against any other group.

1 point

In the Quran it says to kill gays

Also all of the countries that have capital punishment for gays are Muslim

2% of the British population are Muslim, yet 25% of hate crimes against gays are done by them.

It is obvious that Muslims are not only unintelligent, often violent but disgusting homophobics!

0 points

Firstly all religions are simply trying to say the same thing to different peoples in different areas around our planet earth. Extremists are responsible for the alienation and creating the ideology that Islam is evil. Islam is not evil, it is the way it is interpreted by evil people.

Secondly any phobia is a problem because it limits our ability to realise that it is just an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of something that poses little real danger but can provoke extreme anxiety and avoidance.

This fear does nothing to help the situation to resolve our differences and simply alienates people who then become radicalised and so it goes around and around.

As the Buddha is reputed to have said - For every cause there is an effect.

-1 points

There are some muslims that promote extremists. There are probably more that support extremist than from other religion because of their believes but this is a minority.

There are some gay people that promote risky sexual behaviour. There are probably more gay people this way than hetrosexuals because of their orientation but this is a minority.

1 point

I'm not talking about terrorists. I'm talking about your average Muslim who almost certainly harbors homophobic sentiment. Furthermore homophobia doesn't mainly stem from us carrying and passing on STIs. It is mainly from religion and the barbaric nature that many have of hating anything that is different to you.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

The Muslim population is estimated to be 1,570,000,000

Between 15% and 20% are plotting against the west.

Taking only 15%, we have 235,500,000 people bent on our destruction. There are 318,900,00 people in the US, so there's about two of them for each three of us. In my estimation this is significant.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Do you have a citation for this "15 and 20%" claim of yours, out of curiosity?