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 Why is it those on the Left do not fear a corrupt Government controlling the people? (75)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Why is it those on the Left do not fear a corrupt Government controlling the people?

We see it every day. Politicians lieing to us, making laws behind closed doors, not allowing the people to even know what's in the bill before it is passed and then after it is passed, Pelosi telling us we will then find out what's in it. Why is it Democrats were not outraged by Obamacare and all the lies.

We all know that to make it to Congress or President, it takes big money and big pay backs. An honest moral man can not make it to Congress without selling his soul to the powers to be.

Now knowing all this, why on earth do Democrats not fear bigger and bigger Government? Ask yourself why they are ok with these corrupt liars making ever more controlling laws on the people. Do you like being lied to about Obamacare? Do you like the IRS picking sides and singling out groups they don't agree with? Is that the America people fought and died for? Why would you keep supporting these liars? I don't care if you think the GOP is just as bad. They are not but for sake of argument lets say they are. Conservatives vote for SMALLER Government becuse we know most of them are corrupt. So tell me why you keep voting in Big Government politicians. Big Government is the problem, not the answer!

Do you like a biased free press that takes sides and influences people to think as they want you to think? The media buries stories that hurt their Left wing agendas and play up every story that hurts their opponents. Yes Fox does it also but they are but one conservative news network compared to hundreds of Liberal biased news outlets. The Left also enjoys the biased support of Hollywood and sitcoms pushing their Liberal agendas while making fun of conservatives and Christians. The thing about Conservative views is that they do not constantly try to make new laws forcing Americans to bow to their politicaly correct thinking.

This nation is becoming a dictator like nation and we are witnessing how it can come to be. A corrupt Government tied to a corrupt biased media, redistributing the people's money to create a power base of voters who will vote for them no matter how corrupt they might be, all for the love of free subsidies given to them. Money is a powerful weapon and Democrats weild it like a sword.

I laugh every time I remember how outraged Liberals were when Bush helped pass the patriot act which made it easier to catch terrorists by tapping their phone conversations. Where was the outcry when Obama did the same types of things. Where was your outcry when the IRS singled out groups of people? This is much more dangerous but pure silence from the Left. Do you people have any idea how hypocritical and laughable it makes you look? Are you truly phonies?

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5 points

"We see it every day. Politicians lieing to us, making laws behind closed doors, not allowing the people to even know what's in the bill before it is passed and then after it is passed, Pelosi telling us we will then find out what's in it. Why is it Democrats were not outraged by Obamacare and all the lies." we-have-to-pass-the-bill-quote/

Stop believing lies that people tell you.

"We all know that to make it to Congress or President, it takes big money and big pay backs. An honest moral man can not make it to Congress without selling his soul to the powers to be."

Very true, which is why we need legitimate, comprehensive campaign finance reform, something that (unfortunately) more Democrats have supported than Republicans. But hopefully that changes.

"Now knowing all this, why on earth do Democrats not fear bigger and bigger Government?"

It depends on the type of "bigger" government. Why do Republicans not fear increases in the executive branch, or government surveillance? Both sides fear different kinds of big government.

"Conservatives vote for SMALLER Government becuse we know most of them are corrupt."

Conservatives THINK they are voting for smaller government, but they end up voting for Republicans that increase the size of government, just in different ways (some of which you support).

"Do you like a biased free press that takes sides and influences people to think as they want you to think? "

If you believe in the free market, that would indicate that most people who consume that media approve of the bias.

"The Left also enjoys the biased support of Hollywood and sitcoms pushing their Liberal agendas while making fun of conservatives and Christians. The thing about Conservative views is that they do not constantly try to make new laws forcing Americans to bow to their politicaly correct thinking."

Cough antimarriageequality cough Cough prayerinschool cough

"This nation is becoming a dictator like nation and we are witnessing how it can come to be. "

Not at all. We still have elected officials, we still have three distinct branches of government and the separation of powers, etc. We are becoming more oligarchical, however.

"A corrupt Government tied to a corrupt biased media, redistributing the people's money to create a power base of voters who will vote for them no matter how corrupt they might be, all for the love of free subsidies given to them. Money is a powerful weapon and Democrats weild it like a sword."

So why do you think it is that rich Democrats vote that way? People who are voting to increase their own tax rates?

And do you give Republicans a pass when they vote for pork-based military contracts for their districts, including ones the Pentagon has said they do not want?

"I laugh every time I remember how outraged Liberals were when Bush helped pass the patriot act which made it easier to catch terrorists by tapping their phone conversations. Where was the outcry when Obama did the same types of things. "

The outcry was EVERYWHERE, but you don't actually listen to what the left does, and FOX had no reason to report it.

"Where was your outcry when the IRS singled out groups of people?"

Minimal, because it had no actual effect. During that period of time, more liberal groups were denied non-profit status than Conservative groups, so what was there to be outraged by?

"This is much more dangerous but pure silence from the Left. Do you people have any idea how hypocritical and laughable it makes you look? Are you truly phonies?"

You might have some legitimacy if you actually knew what people on the Left think and say, but you don't, so why don't you try a new approach and NOT speaking for others?

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Cough antimarriageequality cough Cough prayerinschool cough

His statement is still correct. Hehe, he said Republicans don't push politically correct laws.

GenericName(3430) Clarified Banned
1 point

They do, they just have different opinions on what should be considered politically correct.

Why is it those on the Right do not fear corrupt corporations controlling the people?

That's a more reasonable fear, especially with nearly half of our corrupt government already being firmly in the pockets of corrupt corporations.

2 points

Why is it those on the Left do not fear a corrupt Government controlling the people?

I'd describe myself as more left than I am right and yes I do worry about about corruption. I'm afraid your rant was made on the incorrect assumption that we don't. You were mistaken. End of debate.

2 points

To answer the question, no one has given liberals any reason to fear the government. What has the government done that is so bad? Take away guns, but liberals don't care about losing guns because they want that. Forced people to buy insurance, but the liberals don't care because they had it already, or were able to finally get it cheaper and they want that. The corrupt government has not posed a threat to them yet and this is not how you convince them they are wrong.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

So you at least finally admit what fanatical control freaks Liberals are. For you not to care when a Government decides to take away a people's rights to own guns, makes you an arrogant control fanatic. To not understand that when a Government can take away a people's right to own guns, the next Government can take away something that you like. Can your simple mind grasp that? Any decent freedom loving person understands that Government has no right to take our personal freedoms from us. Guns are even protected in the Constitution, not that it should matter if it were not.

Can your simple mind understand that just because you don't like guns, or don't care if Government forces us to buy their pathetic brand of healthcare, gives you NO RIGHT to force your views on others.

It is at least very very nice to finally have a Liberal admit they have no problem forcing others to bow to their will. Most Liberals spend their time denying what control freaks they truly are.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

For you not to care when a Government decides to take away a people's rights to own guns, makes you an arrogant control fanatic. To not understand that when a Government can take away a people's right to own guns, the next Government can take away something that you like.

I do care, I am not a Liberal you idiot. I am more pro gun than you are.

Any decent freedom loving person understands that Government has no right to take our personal freedoms from us.

This isn't true, and that's the problem. We have to give away some freedoms to live in a society.

Can your simple mind understand that just because you don't like guns, or don't care if Government forces us to buy their pathetic brand of healthcare, gives you NO RIGHT to force your views on others.

Just because you are a Christian doesn't mean that it should be ok to declare a school prayer. See where your argument falls apart yet?

It is at least very very nice to finally have a Liberal admit they have no problem forcing others to bow to their will. Most Liberals spend their time denying what control freaks they truly are.

You are so dumb it hurts. I as a non Liberal am admitting that Liberals like to take away my rights.

GenericName(3430) Disputed Banned
1 point

"So you at least finally admit what fanatical control freaks Liberals are. For you not to care when a Government decides to take away a people's rights to own guns, makes you an arrogant control fanatic. "

You really don't bother to actually read what people say, do you? It is clear that he was not endorsing what he said, he was speaking to what he believed was a possible explanation for the behavior of a group that he did not belong to.

"To not understand that when a Government can take away a people's right to own guns, the next Government can take away something that you like. Can your simple mind grasp that? Any decent freedom loving person understands that Government has no right to take our personal freedoms from us. "

And yet you are all about taking away other freedoms that you find less desirable. Freedom of religion? No need. Equal Protections and Due Process? Not for the gays!

"Can your simple mind understand that just because you don't like guns, or don't care if Government forces us to buy their pathetic brand of healthcare, gives you NO RIGHT to force your views on others."

You are all about forcing your views on others regarding certain topics, while he wasn't endorsing any of the ideas he stated, and you call HIM simple minded? Really?

"It is at least very very nice to finally have a Liberal admit they have no problem forcing others to bow to their will. Most Liberals spend their time denying what control freaks they truly are."

Again, try actually reading what he said. He did not admit anything.

1 point

Your heart felt emotions indicate your deep concern for even handedness in the administration of government. I think your expression of indignation at what you perceive as prejudiced government to be a most commendable personal trait. Of course the contrary vultures are always circling, waiting to swoop with a tirade of self opinionated drivel. You were a little provocative in the wording and delivery of your viewpoint, so the 'comebacks' were predictably openly hostile.

GenericName(3430) Disputed Banned
2 points

Instead of down voting, why not actually respond, Kalamazoo?

GenericName(3430) Clarified Banned
1 point

Why do I get the feeling that Kalamazoo and FromWithin are the same person...

GenericName(3430) Disputed Banned
1 point

Can you indicate how any of the responses on here are hostile?

2 points

For that matter can he even identify the self opinionated drivel?

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Ah, so this is the boyfriend that told him that gay people said they only wanted civil union but never marriage.

1 point

The idea that it's "the governments fault" is an illusion because the government is a shadow controlled and staffed by corporations. There are individuals who pull the strings, and if nobody is named it is an obvious diversion. "Blame the government" is a coverup to protect powerful individuals.

People on the left don't fear a totalitarian state to the same extent, but have a better idea of who to keep an eye on and how the system is functioning. Also I have heard intellectuals on the left (Chomsky, Zizek) recognize that there is a basic level of totalitarianism in the media today that restricts what type of dialog is in or out of society, which is a definite form of totalitarianism.

1 point

If you lot of Don Quixote type characters, who clearly live in ''Cyber Cloud Cuckoo Land''cannot recognise yourselves in my description of you then there is no point trying to enlighten you. How you clucking hens must relish scouring the posts searching for an insult to which you can respond with your standard venomous text. You take the bait so easily that it's of no surprise that so many other participants, including me, enjoy glancing over your responses to gauge the depth of irritation they have been able to inflict. As soon as you identify a really good insult, you all must all shout in harmony, yipeeee, and immediately commence spewing out your literary diahorrea in an orgy of frenzied and meaningless indignant pomposity. As Spock would have said, ''fascinating''.

GenericName(3430) Disputed Banned
1 point

Do you feel better about yourself now? Did that you give you the self assurance boost you needed?

0 points

Liberals want me to address the bad in the Conservative movement and speak of the beneficial aspects of the Liberal movement. I must have missed it where you were going to address the bad in the Liberal movement and the beneficial aspects of the Conservative movement.


I would gladly address the problems with the entire Conservative movement if there are any but you first must spell them out as I constantly do with Democrats.(Conservatism is not a movement, it's what we used to be as a nation. It's trying to get our nation back to our traditional roots of individual freedoms and liberties. The vast majority of Americans were Conservative 60 years ago).

The reasons why you never give me serious examples of the so called persistent problems in the Conservative ideology, is because there are none.

All I ever get from Liberals is that Conservatives are for a strong defense (that benefits all Americans) and they are tied to the Rich and Corporations. You constantly bring up the Koch brothers but never mention the Liberal Billionaire George Soros who constantly funnels money to Democrat movements. You refuse to address the big union money funneled into the Democrat party.

Try looking at the facts and see how the Democrats received more campaign money from Corporations than did the GOP. Conservatives are for cutting spending to balance our debt, they are for freedoms from an intrusive Government. They are for a safety net for those who can not help themselves while getting tough on those able bodied people who scam our social programs.

I will agree there have been some benefits from Democrats over the years but the Democrat party of old is NO MORE. They have become the extreme Liberal Left bent on controlling the people to push their extreme Liberal agendas.

-1 points

As I already knew, none of you Liberals would acknowledge the entire point of how most all politicians reaching the Congress are big money corrupt liars and therefore we should be electing those who want smaller Government(that would be Conservatives and tea party types for you who live in some Liberal world of denial). Conservatives are always trying to cut Government waste, but you people spew the same old tired rhetoric of how the GOP wants bigger Government also. What a waste you are.

Since you obviously don't care about a corrupt Government getting bigger, KEEP ELECTING DEMOCRATS! Oh that's right, most of you refuse to admit you are Liberal and vote for those on the Left who want bigger Government.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Conservatives are always trying to cut Government waste


Your statement indicates that conservatives never want to spend money. Obviously a huge lie.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

I never said the GOP does not want to spend money on defense, etc. I said they want to cut the size of Government to get our debt under control. They already agreed to Defense spending cuts but AS ALWAYS the Democrat's refused to cut social programs because that secures their low income votes.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

As I already knew, none of you Liberals would acknowledge the entire point of how most all politicians reaching the Congress are big money corrupt liars

False, GenericName acknowledged that it is a problem and that Democrats support campaign reform.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Campaign reform????????????????????????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, you can't be that big a fool can you? Democrats will take money from anyone or thing that will give it to them. Their campaign reform never includes getting rid of big union money so they are complete phonies who know their laughable laws will never pass. They have the Rich George Soros's of the world who fund their liberal agendas. They take more money from corporations than do the GOP.

GenericName(3430) Disputed Banned
2 points

"corrupt liars and therefore we should be electing those who want smaller Government(that would be Conservatives and tea party types for you who live in some Liberal world of denial)."

Recognizing that politicians are corrupt does not necessary lead to the need to vote for people who CLAIM to be for smaller government. Conservatives have increased the size of government just like liberals in this country, and both sides are corrupt. Instead, we need campaign finance reform to take out the corruption of both sides.

"corrupt liars and therefore we should be electing those who want smaller Government(that would be Conservatives and tea party types for you who live in some Liberal world of denial)."

Then why do they refuse to cut bloated military spending on projects the military doesn't want? Oh right, because they need those projects to keep their votes within their constituency, exactly what you are yelling at Democrats for.

"but you people spew the same old tired rhetoric of how the GOP wants bigger Government also. What a waste you are."

I don't think you know what rhetoric means, because when people give you specific examples of how the GOP DOES want bigger government as well, that is the antithesis of rhetoric.

"Since you obviously don't care about a corrupt Government getting bigger, KEEP ELECTING DEMOCRATS! Oh that's right, most of you refuse to admit you are Liberal and vote for those on the Left who want bigger Government."

Those on here who say they aren't liberal, aren't liberal. I don't know why you have so much difficulty with that.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Do you realize how stupid you are? You compare supporting military defense for our nation, that all Americans benefit from, to redistributing tax payer money to people who will then vote for Democrats? Tell me how military defense spending helps me more than any other American.

Can you grasp the difference between taking money from a middle class person and giving it to another person to buy their vote, and spending on things we all benefit from.