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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 YES (5)
 NO (2)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Will "Act of Valor" be more interesting with real Navy SEALS rather than just actors?



Side Score: 6


Side Score: 2

Considering the action will be more authentic, the movie will probably be much better than just moronic Hollywood actors.

This movie may actually be worth watching in the theaters.

Many Hollywood actors are probably total divas anyway, so this has to be refreshing.

Side: YES

I disagree with this movie as a whole. This is basically a propaganda film, like the ones you'd see during World War II. I saw the advertisement during the Super Bowl and was appalled. Films like this are created just to get the testosterone pumping in young men all over the country so that they'll march on down to the recruiting offices and enlist. It's like a kind of psychological draft that is very hard to resist for some young men who, without the influence of media, would be perfectly content living peaceful lives at home.

I remember being at war; I was drafted in 1969 and was sent to Vietnam the same year. There is absolutely no reason for Hollywood (I don't care if they're real SEALS or actors) to be feeding this garbage to our nation's young men and women. Films like these glorify war, heroism, and even death in the name of freedom. I can tell you first hand that there is no glory in dying for your country, it's useless foam like this that makes it seem that way.

Side: NO
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

I can tell you first hand that there is no glory in dying for your country

This implies that you've already died. Am I speaking to a zombie with excellent typing skills?

Side: YES

OK, you've got me there. What I meant by what I said was that I saw dozens of young men die in "acts of valor" or "for glory" in Vietnam, and believe me, there was nothing glorious about it.

Side: YES
1 point

This is basically a propaganda film, like the ones you'd see during World War II.

All movies are propaganda films. Hence, it is fiction.

Films like this are created just to get the testosterone pumping in young men all over the country so that they'll march on down to the recruiting offices and enlist.

True, it maybe a recruiting scam, but government loves the business of scams.

I was drafted in 1969 and was sent to Vietnam the same year.

Unlike yourself, military service is now strictly voluntary. Government had no right to unjustly coerce military service considering America is a free nation.

There is absolutely no reason for Hollywood (I don't care if they're real SEALS or actors) to be feeding this garbage to our nation's young men and women.

People should and are given the option to decide for themselves on the provided information.

Films like these glorify war, heroism, and even death in the name of freedom.

True, glorify war, heroism and death is wrong, but this is not the fault of Hollywood, it is the federal government, given the last 100 years of foreign policy. The federal government promotes and glorifies the idea of militarization of perpetual war.

Side: YES
1 point

All movies are propaganda films

I think you need to brush up on your definition of what propaganda is.

military service is now strictly voluntary

I am well aware, and I'm not complaining about the draft during the Vietnam years.

It is not the fault of Hollywood, it is the federal government

Don't you see, though? The government is working hand in hand with Hollywood to create films like these; films that will push young people to enlist and go die for their country.

Side: NO