
Debate Info

There's a possibility. No, he has changed his stripes
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 There's a possibility. (2)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Will Chris Brown ever hit Rhianna again?

There's a possibility.

Side Score: 3

No, he has changed his stripes

Side Score: 0

I think this is like they same question as "Will he cheat on me again?" or "Will she ever go behind my back again?". If steal people will expect you to steal unless time proves you have cirrected yourself. If you cheated then it's really hard to gain that respect back. If you hit a girl "woman beater" kinda sticks to you so I'd say only time can tell if he really won't. I believe he won't but I can't be entirely sure.

Side: There's a possibility.

What I want to know is what did she do to piss him off so ;)

Side: There's a possibility.
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