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Debate Score:68
Total Votes:78
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Jungelson(3955) pic

Will all Atheists go to 'hell'?

If there were a man from the very day he was born did nothing but good towards others up until the day he died. IF that man were an atheist, would he still go to hell? For the sake of the argument, lets not hae things like " there is no such thing as hell" Because then it wuld become borings. So for once, lets all agree/pretend that hell exists.


Side Score: 28


Side Score: 40

Absolutely. That Atheist chose not to believe in Zeus even after everyone in his polis were avid supporters of Zeus and his fellow gods/goddesses.

Wait, which god are we talking about?

Side: Yes
3 points

Wait... How many heavens and paradises and hells and underworlds and other sides are there? Will I be torn to pieces? Screw that, I'm going atheist from now on!

You theists, something for you think about.

Side: Yes
2 points

if you believe that the Bible is the word of the one true God, then you'll agree that when Jesus says if you believe in your heart that i am king and if you confess with your mouth that i died for you on the cross then thou shall be saved to be true. I believe this to be true and i believe the gates of Heaven cannot be opened to those who speak otherwise.

Side: Yes
1 point

Assuming your scenario and that you mean the Christian hell, then yes. Anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior would go to hell.

But then you have contradictory verses that mention you must also be baptized. That leaves room for the acceptance but unbaptized person to go to hell.

Side: Yes
anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

The commonly held belief in medieval times was that everyone who was not baptised (including everyone born before Christ, with the exception of the Jews who had faith in the messiah), would go to hell, just like in Dante's Inferno.

Side: No
1 point

if the atheists were cowards then and only then they would go to hel.

Side: Yes
1 point

Will Christian child molesters go to Heaven? Roy Moore is a devout Christian child molester, will he go to Heaven?

Side: Yes
0 points

Yes all atheists will go to hell because they choose to believe that God doesn't exist and also they don't believe in God.

Side: Yes
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
3 points

So does every person who belives in god go to heaven? Even people who are serial killers and child rapists but accept god and Jesus into their life?

Side: No
2 points

Yes they do... but they have to sit in the corner.

Side: No
2 points

Hey! Sittin' the corner is no picnic! Even in Heaven.... trust me, you don't want to sit in the corner in Heaven!

Side: No
Srom(12120) Disputed
2 points

So does every person who belives in god go to heaven?

If they accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and follow and obey His Word then yes they will go to heaven.

Even people who are serial killers and child rapists but accept god and Jesus into their life?

Serial killers, and rapists aren't going to be in the kingdom of heaven.

If serial killer and rapists accept Jesus into their life they should know by now that killing someone and raping someone is not ok.

Side: Yes
nummi(1424) Clarified
2 points

Back already? Well that was fast...

Side: Yes
-1 points


Side: Yes
3 points

Lets assume a god who is omnibenevolent exists. If one did, then creating hell would be against its nature. Nobody, and I repeat, nobody, deserves to be tortured forever. It is infinite punishment for a finite crime. It is completely pointless, barbaric, and unnecessary.

The only reason hell would exist is if the hypothetical god was full of hatred for the beings going there, and in that case malevolent rather than benevolent, let alone omnibenevolent.

Short answer is, if you believe I deserve to be tortured forever, there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Do you know what we call people who don't care about the suffering of others? Psychopaths. And why even send them to hell? God created them without the capacity for empathy in the first place, or allowed them to be anyhow.

Side: No
2 points

By the same logic wouldn't an omnibenevolent god be incapable of creating the evil world we know today?

Also, all we have to judge god by is the word of men who have faith he exists and his actions (either in a passive, "look at the state of the world" kind of way, or by assuming the fables depicted in holy texts like the Bible are true), and in that regard the two accounts are often quite contradictory. Pious Christian preachers are constantly telling us about gods love and forgiveness and mercy, but those things are not evident in the world he supposedly created nor does he always display those virtues in the stories in the Bible.

Seeing as how this is all hypothetical, I think it's a lot more likely that a Christian god exists but that he is quite different than his followers would have us believe, which is to say he is a vengeful, sadistic, egotistical monster, and not the benevolent entity we keep hearing about.

The god of Christianity certainly seems a barbaric and malevolent tyrant enough to infinitely torture people with unnecessary cruelty for finite "crimes."

Side: Yes

You know you're just agreeing with me, there's no way an omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omniscient being exists. Not only is it self contradictory (could God make a rock so big he couldn't lift it; can he, being omniscient and therefore knowing the future, find the omnipotence to change his mind etc. etc.) but the fact that unnecessary suffering exists itself shows that such a being does not exist.

Side: No
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

Keep on assuming that your moral knowledge is greater than that of an omnibenevolent and omniscient god, Ivan Karamazov.

Side: Yes
anachronist(886) Disputed
1 point

Loving how you dropped the omnipotent. Why would my moral knowledge be any less? What is "moral knowledge" anyway? So you're telling me that if you loved someone, you'd be happy to torture them forever? I'm not sure in what world you think that starving millions of innocent children for apparently no reason (although few reasons would be near good enough) is ultimately moral.

There is not a single human I can think of who deserves to be tortured forever.

And Karamazov was right, up to the point where he wanted to instate some kind of dictatorship made of the more intelligent. I'm not sure where that part of the comparison comes in.

Side: No
3 points

All with courage are allowed into Valhalla or Fólkvangr.

Valhalla, the land of competition, where I would expect those who die in the battle of life to play video games, mind games, debate, and even have bloody battle to test your strength, enjoying your battles and friendly competition drinking beer and eating all you want.

Fólkvangr, the meadow of warriors is a similar place, but ruled by Freyja, rather than Odin.

And Hel? For cowards.

Side: No
1 point

All i can say is.. Best answer so far my friend. Best answer so far...

Side: No

And a very good argument to you, too.

Note to self, do not be a coward.

Side: No
2 points

Well, first you would have to argue that hell exists, in which it doesn't. But if you are unintelligent enough to believe it exists, then yes by christian myth (not religion), we are all going to hell. Thing is though, Christianity is false.

Side: No
1 point

I 99% agree with you. Apart from the bit where you said "Christianity, the myth not religion..." Well, Christianity is a religion, that cannot be disputed. The fact is, all religions are myths!

Side: No
2 points

Atheists who aren't incredibly evil, life-long sinners will probably burn in Purgatory, but will not be condemned to Hell forever and perhaps enter Heaven in the next 1,000 or so years after their demise.

Side: No
1 point

What happened to "forgive", or "God forgives", or "God loves everyone". Surely God would understand what little proof he has shown us, for if he is omnipotent, then he could have sent a clearer message or something - for example, I could have won the lottery three times by now, that would be convincing.

Side: No
1 point

No hel is for cowards so unless they were cowards they won't go to hel.

Side: No
1 point

Because hell is non-existent just like heaven and any other silly imaginary place ever.

Side: No

There is no evidence that anyone goes to hell nonetheless atheists.-------------------

Side: No
1 point

This is ridiculous. I myself am not an Atheist, but I know they will not go to Hell for not believing in God. Do you know what kind of people will go to Hell? People who worship the Devil. As long as they don't worship the Devil, they are okay. God loves his children and he would never send them to Hell for not knowing the truth.

Side: No
nummi(1424) Disputed
2 points

You, yourself obviously being religious, seem to have very little knowledge about your own religion... it is rather typical. I'm not an expert on religions but I know the basic contradictions and they are just plain stupid. According to religion, yes, atheists will all go to hell because they oppose religious views with their own, because they question religion and god.

You either follow the whole thing or you're a hypocrite. Meaning you'll go to hell as well.

Have a happy eternal barbecue!

Side: Yes
riahlize(1568) Disputed
1 point

That's not what the Bible says. Unless there are more Christian afterlife locations than just Heaven or Hell, that I am not aware of.

Side: Yes
1 point

There are thousands of gods throughout religious beliefs and if you are Christian and believe in God, you probably don't believe in the others. Basically, you're just as close to an atheist as I am.

Side: No
1 point

I cant stand religious people that say ‘if u don’t believe in god u will go to hell’ like wtf! ... Man, if if there is a hell im gona kick the devils feckin arse !! and if god aint there to help me out last minute then he aint no god of mine!..surely god is all forgiving anyway? lol

Side: No

Pope Francis has stated that atheists can go to Heaven. There are plenty of atheists in Heaven.

Side: No