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 With a good Fox news moderator, he asked Hillary about her no limit abortion support. (4)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

With a good Fox news moderator, he asked Hillary about her no limit abortion support.

Finally, we have a non biased moderator who asked both candidates tough questions.
As I have repeatedly given you the facts of Hillary's no restriction abortion support, you deniers finally have the facts on national TV.

She also did what all Democrats do and spoke of the Life and "HEALTH" of the mother when explaining their inhuman support of infanticide. First off, life of mother abortions are allowed up to birth in the GOP 20 week abortion compromise.

We all know that "health" is the buzz word for ANYTHING GOES, ALL ABORTIONS ARE LEGAL!
Any women who wants an abortion one week from birth simply says she is depressed about the pregnancy.
Depression is a health issue! HELLO?

These are the barbaric politicians who have the values of animals. What's even worse is the self love voters who keep this inhumanity legal with their votes.

The GOP wants a 20 week abortion limit(unless extreme cases including life of mother), but Democrats stop them EVERY SINGLE TIME with ludicrous health of mother excuses.

Hmmmm, lets see, a full term viable baby days from birth can be killed in at least nine States, because the Democrat party tied to the abortion lobby, refuses to stand up for our innocent children's lives.

The Democrat party is the new age party of self love, inhumanity and corruption. They care more for the feminist vote than they do our most innocent of children's lives!
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Any women who wants an abortion one week from birth simply says she is depressed about the pregnancy.

Any women who wants an abortion one week from birth will not be given one by her doctor.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Hogwash! Most of these abortion doctors in clinics care about one thing, and that is money!

The woman will go where ever she has to go to get an abortion doctor who wants her money.

There are nine no restriction abortion states that will allow it and the Democrat party makes sure these nine states will continue to do so.

Keep denying what you support with your vote. It is people like you keeping it legal to kill our most innocent viable babies for any reason.

So this is your argument for suppoting it? You say that doctors might not do what the mother wants them to do, and what Democrats make it legal to do?

Gee, I just listened to the same old tired pro abortion rhetoric from Hillary Clinton. She said Government should not stand in the way of a Mother choosing to kill her unborn Baby.

So you are going to say that Hillary thinks a doctor can stand in the way of a mother who wants an abortion?

It is almost commical debating people on the Left when it comes to abortion. They know they have no excuses for even no restriction abortions, so they spew ludicrous things that only shows what radical extremists they truly are.

It's kind of like listening to any group of people explaining how killing Jews, or killing Black slaves, or killing Christians, or killing those who do not follow Islam, etc. etc. is ok.

Do you truly look in the mirror and believe the nonsense coming out of your mouth?

According to Hillary, no Government and no doctor can stand in the way of a mother determined to take that viable baby's life. Hillary says IT IS HER RIGHT TO HAVE THAT ABORTION no matter if it's a week from birth!

As always, Hillary says it is such a heart wrenching decision for that mother to make.

First of all, why is it so heart wrenching if the unborn baby(fetus) is just a blob of tissue.


I guess Hillary and those who would vote for her, think that those viable girl baby's lives are worthless, and Democrats say they care for women? LOL

So rather than simply having the humanity to protect those viable lives up to birth by making them illegal, you would leave it up to a doctor to decide if he wants the money or not.

You act as if these abortion doctors are good compassionate people who care about that unborn life. They are not the kind of doctors who took a hypocratic oath to save all lives. They are people who lack everything a real doctor cares about.

pirateelfdog(2654) Disputed Banned
1 point

When you talk about no restriction abortion, you're talking about taking a baby out of the womb near the end of pregnancy... that's called birth, idiot. What do you think is going on in this country?

You talk about partial-birth abortions? THEY'RE NOT A THING. Seriously. They're made up. It's not a medical term.

You act as if these abortion doctors are good compassionate people who care about that unborn life. They are not the kind of doctors who took a hypocratic oath to save all lives. They are people who lack everything a real doctor cares about.

Why are you completely incapable of even trying to understand your opponent's position? You will never be able to change anyone's mind, and you just come off as rambling, abrasive, and unintelligent.