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 "You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into". (28)

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Dermot(5736) pic

"You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into".

What are your thoughts please ,its quiet true but we still can't resist doing the opposite .

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1 point

I think this is quiet true ,although we enjoy doing the opposite because it can be a quiet amusing way to spend a coffee break .

1 point

Very true, if peoples argument originally doesn't use logic or reason you won't be changing their mind in a hurry, sometimes it works but rarely. Its good fun to stir the pot though.

1 point

Yes Ashman I agree with you we can't help stirring can we ? It's great fun isn't it ?

1 point

Aye can't help but agree with you there, ignorant or stupid debates just bring out my evil side!! There are a few people on here that use their brain and logic etc but most just argue without thinking and I find it great fun leading them into dead ends, in the words of Admiral Akbhar "its a trap"

Did you reason yourself into the practice of using reason? If not is it truly reasonable to reason? With God being to source of reason, the answer is yes, if God is not the source of reason, then everything is based on irrationality and therefore you cannot reason anyone out of anything if the above quote is correct.

hannah165(523) Disputed
2 points

superswimmer, you clearly didn't reason yourself into the position that god exists. Your parents just raised you that way. That is why you are so close minded on the subject of evolution and science.

Also, I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say in your argument. Could you use grammar, please?

1 point

I find your reply a bit amusing, first you tell me that I didn't reason my way to God, which I could reply and say you didn't reason your way to evolution because you were raised that way 8 hours a day for 12 years. Then you tell me you have no idea what I'm saying. If you read my initial argument you would understand that we cannot reason our way to God, but you can't reason without God. So you are partially right, I didn't reason my way to God, he is the foundation of my reasoning AND yours too.

1 point

Yes, I quite agree with you. If someone did not use logic and reason to come to the conclusion of supporting a particular position, then yes, i would imagine you would have a fruitless effort to reason them out of it!

1 point

Yes Andy spot on ,one often finds in life people entrenched in a viewpoint that by most standards would be totally unreasonable but no matter what evidence is presented they will cling to there position.

I will agree to the statement in general, but there are certainly cases where you can reason someone out of such a position.

For example, those who are raised with a misconception about a given topic may have simply taken their source at his/her/their word without giving it any kind of in depth analysis. In some of these cases the individual is open to reasonable discussion on the matter and change his or her position given some actual analysis of the topic. I should note that these individuals are generally easier to sway than those who have reasoned themselves into a position that is different from ones own- but it's hit or miss.

Moderately difficult: Swaying an individuals position with reason where they took it for granted without reasoning on his or her own part, but are not fanatic.

Hard: Swaying an individuals position with reason where they reached said position with reason.

Borderline Impossible: Swaying an individuals position where they believe it fanatically without any reasoning on his or her own part.