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 science or religion? (28)

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uroficialyr(18) pic

science or religion?

we all believe in god but is it necessary/
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3 points

"We all believe in god but is it necessary?"

Newsflash: Not everybody believes in God.

As for the question, science and religious belief are not mutually exclusive.

Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

As for the question, science and religious belief are not mutually exclusive.

I disagree with this. Dawkins posts some good studies in The God Delusion which show the vast majority of senior scientists are not religious. They are opposing methodologies, which is why I argue they are not compatible. Science is belief based on evidence. Religion is belief based on lack of evidence.

0 points

Yes. Religion is more closely related to mythology than science. It's left over from when people could not understand natural happenings around them so a "god" was the only answer.

Today some say a hurricane is an "act of god" and a "miracle" is when that act of god puts one in a perilous position in that hurricane, and you are lucky enough to survive. "God" is the Coast Guard, the National Guard, even the Cajun Navy, etc. THEY grant the "miracles".

2 points

We don't all believe in god . Science or religion ? Science every time

1 point

i wont compare science and religion because god is a belief and whether he exists or not is unknown but that belief in us instills hope but one must not be lost in these thoughts as they can turn harmful

Science doesn't "do" anything. It is simply the study of something. Examples? The science of women. The science of race car driving. The science of the human mind. The science of religion. The science of flight. The science of breeding dogs. Science isn't a thing. It can't produce anything. It's abstract like the number 2 or the letter A.

uroficialyr(18) Disputed
1 point

im not against your statement brontoraptor but without 'science' you and me would still be suffering from small pox and by science i meant technology.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Science produced the computer you produced that falsehood on, bront! It produces life saving medicines every day, it lets us prepare for a hurricane because they can predict where it will hit! It develops the materials and engines that let us FLY! Religion produces WHAT?? Unprovable myths! (And places we can't find in the Universe or miles underground!)

1 point

Science produced the computer you produced that falsehood on, bront! It produces life saving medicines every day

Science didn't create this computer. That's like saying the letter "A" produced the word "apple". Human beings produced the computer I'm on.

1 point

it lets us prepare for a hurricane because they can predict where it will hit!

No, doppler radar does that. Science is the study of something. The study of something cannot do anything. People create these things.

daver(1771) Disputed
1 point

Hi Bront:

Your definition seems a little off the mark. While science is in fact an organized methodology used to study something, in this context the use of the term is broadly understood to refer to the body of knowledge science has generated rather than the methodology. As a body of knowledge, science can often be counter to religious beliefs. We are pitting accepted knowledge against accepted doctrine. This is a completely valid comparison.

Or so it seems to me.

1 point

Science does a lot, the fact that we are debating on this topic proves it does. Science was never meant to "produce" anything, it was made so that we can manipulate nature around us to fulfill our needs and understand nature better.

1 point

i believe that science and Christianity can co-exist and support each other when you look at scientific facts, and not made-up stuff to supress theism, they get along pretty well.

1 point

Definition of religion courtesy of merriam-webster

"a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith"


If we are to take "science" as being the scientific method, it is clear that science is actually a religion. A scientist who is not practicing the religion is hardly worth being called a scientist at all.

If we are to take "science" as being "the state of knowing"(definition courtesy merriam-webster), I would say that it is foolish to put too much stock into what you think you know.

Or as the famous wild haired wise guy once said, "Science without Religion Is Lame, Religion without Science Is Blind"

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

Science is not religion re - defining it as such does not change the fact that you're incorrect .

So science is defined now as '" the state of knowing " and that's it ?

Also it's foolish to place to much stock in what you think you know ?

Maybe you should stop doing it so ?

When quoting Einstein why do you take the part of the quote only to suit your agenda ?

He also stated in the same piece ...... This qualification has to do with the concept of God. During the youthful period of mankind's spiritual evolution human fantasy created gods in man's own image, who, by the operations of their will were supposed to determine, or at any rate to influence, the phenomenal world......

See that ..... human fantasy created gods in mans own image ... I agree and incidentally Einstein was an atheist

1 point

Science, that is, dutifully following the scientific method, is religion.

Explain to me how going through the scientific process isn't "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith".

The statement "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind" is true independent of who said it. If its weight only came from the person who said it, it wouldn't be worth quoting.

As for you, your understanding of language is arbitrary because you are an atheist. You use whatever standards are convenient to your own personal aversions. If you cared about truth in the slightest, you would stop redefining language in order to make your superstitious thinking internally coherent and accept the authority of the dictionary.

The dictionary, I might add, is a source recognized as being neutral by just about anyone who isn't being deceptive.

1 point

Science over religion, mainly because it's foolhardy to object to that which we can directly observe (like the planets orbiting the sun) just because ancient religious documents told you something else.

But I want to emphasize that for the vast majority of people walking the planet these two things science and religion are not mutually exclusive. Most people accept the good which religion teaches and the good which science discovers and don't see why there is only value in an absolute of one over the other.