
Debate Info

fear ignorance
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:25
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 fear (6)
 ignorance (10)

Debate Creator

feelingtruth(2774) pic

why is noone roasting me



Side Score: 11


Side Score: 13
2 points

What you and Hellno don't count at people?

Side: fear
1 point

Did you read my explanation? The crossed is either for people who've already posted on the debate at the time of the argument (which was me and Hellno) and the person who is actually is the subject of the feature debate (which is feelingtruth).

Side: fear
1 point

why the fuck did you cross me out, beeitch? you wanna go?

Side: ignorance
1 point

Haha, I was pointing out the only active members that are online that could respond to the "Roast debate." It's your feature debate, so you don't count.

Side: ignorance
1 point

I thought I did?

Side: fear
2 points

who are you? wait i dont care nough to know find god or go to hell

Side: ignorance
5 points

dude, dude, dude, you need to to not ask so many questions you make a brother nervous

Side: fear
1 point

Don't really know what to say about you really.

Side: ignorance

They aren't feeling truthful like you yet.

Side: ignorance