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Oakland Athletics new Stadium Location and Name

  If you are a Oakland Athletics Baseball fan or any other baseball fan, I belive you should read this. I am a 13 year old kid who would like to start a petition about the Oakland Atheltics baseball stadium's location and name. I believe that the oakland athletics new location should be right next to the stadium they are currently playing in oakland. But right now there is a basketball team right next to where they are currenntly playing right now. You may know them or may not but they are the Golden State Warriors. The golden state warriors are moving to San Francisco in 2017 into their new stadium. Then they will blow up the stadium they are currently playing in right now. So it will be all open area next to where they are currently playing at. The Athletics could build their new stadium there and the Oakland Raiders will have their own stadium. (The Oakland Raiders and Athletics have been sharing the same stadium for many years and the stadium is very old and beat up.) Then if the Athletics move out and build their own stadium the Raiders will finally have their own stadium to themselves. Now I would like to discuss about the possible new stadium's name. If they do build this stadium I would like it to be called Ricky Henderson Stadium. (Ricky Henderson is the Oakland Athletics best steal base runner, he leads the whole team with 1,406 stolen bases throughout his whole career.) Also if you are a Athletics fan or Ricky Henderson fan wouldn't you want to give him something back to what he gave to us baseball fans. I sure do. I am also a Atheletics fan and I would like to do this. Would  you like to join me?   

1. Celia Serna City, State
4/1/14 4:44