
Goal: 10000 signatures

Sign This Petition!


Petition Creator


To the people who care.

To the people of Create Debate,


We have currently had issues that are undermining the very point of Create Debate. If we as human beings are to aspire to be better than what we were before and make changes that benefit all humanity, we have to look past our social, religious, political, and personal beliefs "so that consensus and understanding can be reached and better decisions can be made". We need to respect each other and others beliefs. However, people that can not respect others and their beliefs are proving the very point that is the subject of this debate. By signing this you agree with these ideas.

 Peace be with you,


2. Isocrates Salaam Nowhere, You can't find me
5/13/16 6:22
1. Plutarch Serenity Can't Find it, Just Don't Try
5/10/16 6:32