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RSS 22021194

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with your statement because our government allows the freedom of speech and the opportunity to express our views. We have the freedom to strike if we do not believe an action is just or just to express what should be taken under consideration for new changes. Anyone could run for government positions if the regulations are met. If there wasn't a government no one would want to respect the law if there weren't any punishments. Our country would fall into chaos because people wouldn't show up to jobs if they didn't have to pay their bills and the worth of money would decrease causing starvation and crimes. In conclusion, our government is needed to keep our protection and rights in place.

1 point

I would want to live under a government. I relay on the government so often, for many reasons such as safety. The government provides clean water to flow through our country, which allows everyone to drink the water, without having to worry if you will fall ill. The government provides jobs to people who keep our streets clean by taking our garbage, sweeping the streets, plowing the snow, and taking leaves off the street to make it safe to drive on. They hire construction workers to fill potholes with the taxes that we pay to make sure no accidents occur. Laws were set in place by the government to keep everyone in order, so people act appropriately and are punished for their wrong doings. The government also protects everyone by providing a military. A military keeps intruders from invading our country and overthrowing it. The government requires every child from five to sixteen to attend school. This helps the government by making sure the next generation is educated enough to make educated decisions for the future. Overall, the government keeps our country from becoming corrupt and chaotic.

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