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Around the world, 20,000 plastic bottles are bought every second. The bottled water ban has been a prominent issue. Americans consumed more than 13.7 billion gallons on bottled water in 2017, more than any other beverage. This raises the concern if bottled water could have a drastic affect human health and harm the environment by increasing waste. The truth is, bottled water has no evident issues therefore should not be banned.

Firstly, bottled water is a practical water source in emergencies and in any natural disaster. For example, in January of 2017, officials changed to cities water supply In Flint MI. The highly corrosive water eroded the city pipes and poisoned the water spilling lead and iron, making it poisonous for anyone drinking or bathing in it. From Jan. 2016 to Apr .2018, the city distributed free bottled water to residents as a substitute for the unusable tap water. It was estimated a family of 3 used 151 bottles a day. The implementation of water bottles provided a effectively simple solution to a rather dangerous life threatening situation. Without bottled water, the people affected by a natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood or earthquake would be left without a effective source of water, since water pipes providing tap water may be destroyed or tap water may be unsafe to drink. Along with bottled water being an efficient approach in life threatening situations, eliminating water bottles would decline human health.

It is logical to believe, the declination of bottled water would lead to a higher consumption of sugary drinks and decreased human health. One confirming example was when the University of Virginia banned the use of bottled water on campus. As a result, the ban increased the sales of juices by 11% and sugar sweetened beverages by 10%. With an absence of water bottles, sugary drinks are to go to options, not tap water. The International Bottled Water Association notes that, "research shows that if bottled water isn't available, 63 percent of people will choose soda or another sugared drink." By removing bottled water human health is rapidly becoming harmed. In addition, bottled water is a crucial component for people living in an undeveloped country. Without the healthy pure water bottles people rely on, they are left with unfiltered, contaminated water filled with deadly disease. Water bottles are evidently important in retaining human health.

Some may argue that banning bottled water would significantly reduce waste and help protect the environment. However, there are several reasons to oppose this point of view. Banning bottled water would not necessarily reduce waste and the packaging of other containers are much more harmful. For example bottled water only take up 3.3% of landfill waste, a miniscule number, when compared to soft drink containers (13.3%) and aluminum cans (7.9%). The packaging of sports drinks produce nearly 50% more carbon dioxide emissions per serving than bottled water. If bottled water is going to be banned, it would not make sense to have it be only abolished since other disposable liquid packaging's are way more harmful than bottled water. This would also affect businesses selling bottled water since their product is only banned.

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