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RSS 7uh6o

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3 most recent arguments.
3 points

It will be both.

most things in life are not all good or all bad. Like most other things, technology in the future will be both, depending on application, person suing/programming, benefits, etc.

consider atomic power, for instance.

as nuclear power for electricity, it is definitely good. as an atomic weapon, it can be used to cause terrible destruction.

For every weapon of death and destruction we've invented, we've come up with a thousand ways to boost food production, increase access to personal fulfillment, save lives, and simply to amuse ourselves. On the whole, technology has been a boon for almost as long as we've existed.

Let me ask you this: can you imagine going back to a mode of existance before technology? Before we even had clothes, or spears? Before fire and language? All of these things were inventions, and if you can't imagine even living without what we have now (much less comfortably), then you'll have to agree that technology is too valuable to ever give up.

That said, it has it's downsides. Recently, technological progress has led to a deterioration of our resources. The ability of technology to adapt to hostile conditions is being strained in the face of the effect we're having on the environment. It's entirely possible that some technological breakthrough will allow us to survive without relying on our earth exclusively, but it's a race of the boon vs. the bane, and the finish line is getting awfully close.

2 points

It will be both.

most things in life are not all good or all bad. Like most other things, technology in the future will be both, depending on application, person suing/programming, benefits, etc.

consider atomic power, for instance.

as nuclear power for electricity, it is definitely good. as an atomic weapon, it can be used to cause terrible destruction.

For every weapon of death and destruction we've invented, we've come up with a thousand ways to boost food production, increase access to personal fulfillment, save lives, and simply to amuse ourselves. On the whole, technology has been a boon for almost as long as we've existed.

Let me ask you this: can you imagine going back to a mode of existence before technology? Before we even had clothes, or spears? Before fire and language? All of these things were inventions, and if you can't imagine even living without what we have now (much less comfortably), then you'll have to agree that technology is too valuable to ever give up.

That said, it has it's downsides. Recently, technological progress has led to a deterioration of our resources. The ability of technology to adapt to hostile conditions is being strained in the face of the effect we're having on the environment. It's entirely possible that some technological breakthrough will allow us to survive without relying on our earth exclusively, but it's a race of the boon vs. the bane, and the finish line is getting awfully close.

5 points

I disagree with 'Technology is more of a boon than a bane to society'. I feel that technology makes life more complex. The increase in transportation technology has brought stressful traffic congestion in some areas. New forms of danger existing as a consequence of innovative forms of technology, new types of nuclear reactors, unforeseen genetic mutations as the result of genetic engineering, or perhaps something more subtle which can destroy the ozone or warm the planet. New forms of entertainment, such as video games and internet access could have possible social effects on areas such as academic performance. Creates new diseases and disorders such as obesity, laziness and a loss of personality. People can easily invade privacy and infringe copy rights. It makes part of people over concentrate on computering, then lost of friendly and face to face communication chance. Bad for eye watching if over look for long time. People will also lose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them.

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