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Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with Mehwish social Darwinism is survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest does mean to keep the strongest and to let lose the weak ones

1 point

Darwinism and Social Darwinism are the same because they both have to do with change. The theory of Darwinism is evolution which is a change over time it could a change to anything. Social Darwinism was created in England and it is survival of the fittest which can do with change since the social groups of people change over time to become the fittest . But the only difference is that one is naturally and that is Darwinism and the other one is not.

1 point

I agree with Susan because she said that eugenics is the study of hereditary improvement which is kind of the same thing as change over time.

1 point

I agree with the statement that the concepts of Darwin's theory have to do with eugenics. This is because eugenics is about improvement genes and things. It also involves mating and when new things are born. So when animals mate with other animals the new born will not look the same.

This means that there was change over time and that is what Darwin's theory was change over time.

1 point

I agree with what this person said because humans according to science were monkeys in the start and they were animals. We are also mammals.

1 point

While Darwinism was happening in the 1900's there was slavery. Darwin saw himself how African American's were treated when he went on a ship. This could have influenced his thought differently about African American people because of the way they were being treated. One science influence was Charles Lyell who promoted Darwin to ask about living things and how they change over time. But Jean Baptiste Lamarck was the first one to see that things change over time. Darwin's theory is that things change over time so there were influences that lead Darwin to think the way he did.

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