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Reward Points:3
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1 point

Here are my answers:

1: ISIS will probably, for the time being, rise a popular figure within ISIS through the ranks, making him Caliph. This probably won't last long however, as ISIS will eventually fracture into a million little pieces vying for the success that ISIS once had when it came to instilling fear in this world again.

2: Unless they suddenly gain the charisma of Napoleon or mysteriously get the war skills of Genghis Khan, they will never regain complete control of Afghanistan, which they never really had in the first place.

3: Probably not, as Al-Qaeda itself is already starting to collapse into smaller factions. At least, not without a master plan, which, as per usual, they will most likely botch due to their own hubris.

4: Gangs like MS-13 definitely count as terrorist organizations, while parties only occasionally have the ability to go full terrorist, like Shining Path, Brigade Rosse & as mentioned prior, The KKK.

5: Africa, as terrorism was already a thing in South America between the early 70s & the late 2000s. They, as per most terrorist groups, usually attempted to seize power in their native country via guerrilla warfare. As for Africa, while there has been some definite destabilization in the past, it wasn't as bad as it was in the early 90's & the present day. Africa is not prepared to face terrorism on their own, at least not without funding. They are gonna need America's help, and, as per usual, Thousands of soldiers will die during the war to "end" terrorism in Africa.

Winning Position: AP Debate Club vol. 1: Terrorism Edition

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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