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RSS Angelavvv

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I can understand that gamers like to watch 'professionals' play their favourite game. I really can imagine that it is kind of the same as when you play football yourself and like to see professionals play, admiring them and hoping to become as good as them. However I do think that in the gaming world you need to have played the game yourself to be interested in seeing professional play the game. If you have not played the game yourself, I do not think it is interesting to watch. With conventional sporting events this might be different. People who watch ice skating, for example, whether they have done it before or not, it doesnt really matter. --> I dont know anything about games or whatsoever, so excuse me if what i'm saying is totally wrong

1 point

I agree with some of the others here. The image of people with visible body art has changed. It used to be only the bad guys and the alternative people who had tattoos(we thought). However, nowadays it are not only the stereotypes that have tattoos, 'normal' people have tattoos as well. But I do think there is a difference between one or two tattoos, and a body 'full' of them..

1 point

I think it has is positive and negative sides. The positive side is that it becomes easier for people to approach someone they find attractive and to ask someone out for a date. The negative side, I think, is that people hide behind their computer/smartphones etc. They have become less social and do not try to approach someone in real life. Another down side is that you never know whether someone is real.. How do you know that someone is really who he says he is? And are the photos put on the dating website really the person you are talking to? This are risks that you need to take. Approaching someone in real life may be scary, but I'd personally prefer it above meeting someone online of who you dont know who he or she really is.

1 point

No, I dont think that digital communication is as effective as face-to-face communication when building a relationship. Sometimes, when you have a lot of digital conversations with someone, you can get the feeling that you know someone enormously well, and for some part this may be true, but in digital communication, for example, whatsapp a lot of miscommunication and misperceptions may arise. Something that is considered sarcastic or as a joke may not be interpreted the same by the other. This is because you cannot see the others face so you never know for sure what is actually meant by it.

1 point

I would say that it is better to have small holders and farmers production our nutrition. Because it keeps the market very diverse. Multinational easily take over small holders and farmers which means that they own a big piece of the market, and the small holders and farmers will not be able to stand tall against them.

I say yes, to small holders and farmers, for the sake of diversity in food for consumers and the small family businesses who want to make their own money instead of working for a multinational

1 point

I think it depends on the kind of message. If you have a strong and short message, it could probably be effective. People do not want to see long internet advertisements, and dont have the patience to look at it anyway. So, no, I do not think vine-like messages are too short but it truly depends on the kind of message you want to send and if people are already familiar with the brand and its messages.

1 point

I think that children should get personal attention. A teacher is able to see if a pupil is doing alright or not. And can determine what kind of eduation and guidance the pupil will need. Thereby Multimedia is full of entertainment (games, social media etc.) which will make it easier pupil to get distracted, which will decrease their motivation for school.

1 point

No they dont make us smarter at all. They are just an extension of ourselves and make things easier, and faster. I even think that technology is making us dumber.. Let's take the calculator, for example, if it werent for the calculator we will be still calculating things in our own heads.. now we only type in the figures and dont even think about it. Same with smartphones, if we want to know something, we look it up, without letting our brains doing the work. People become dumber and lazier every year.. and I do think that al those 'tools' are one of the reasons for that. Why would we put so much effort in it, if our smartphone can do it for us?

1 point

I totally agree, Im happy to give up my privacy if that means that I am being kept safe from terrorism and other forms of threatenings. I believe that if you do not have anything to hide, why would it be a problem that the state keeps an eye on things to keep you safe?

1 point

I think you are branding yourself during your whole career, every experiences that is mentioned on your C.V. is part of personal branding. It sets you apart from others. Companies look for potential employees who fit within the company (its team, its vision and mission etc.) In my opinion, personal branding adds value to the organisaiton you work for, but that only remains in the time that you are working there, but personal branding adds value to your own career for your whole (working) life, which I think is much more important, since nowadays most individuals are 'jobhopping'

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