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RSS Annwad

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point


That's like saying its ridiculous if you murder someone, and they give you a life sentence .

You don't give murderers lollipops, you give them jail, it's how it works.

1 point

I don't know about you but I am NOT equal to a fly!

And if we are equal well then tough luck cause you are never gonna be able to get rid of annoying flies, landing on your food, sorry buddy!

1 point

I completely agree with hunting and fishing, in fact I love to hunt and fish, UNLESS you don't take the food, when you hunt ( or fish) you should try to take as much meat as possible, if you just go into a forest, shoot a deer and leave it there, that is WRONG!

1 point

Without hunting the population of animals would decrease dramatically. If we don't go kill those deer, then they'll eat all the grass, if they eat all the grass, then there's no more, if there's no grass, then all the deer DIE.

We're just part of the lifecycle.

And besides, hunters give more money to wildlife organizations, than others. All the money used in buying hunting licenses, tags, and a lot of other stuff too, goes to wildlife organizations, the same goes for fishing.

1 point

I'm okay if you decide not hunt (or fish) but don't you dare make it illegal for me to have a wonderful time with my family and friends, provide for them, see a beautiful landscape,and just plain have fun, cause that's what hunting really is.

If you've never been to a hunt, then go to one, even if you don't see anything, you will probably have a great time.

The best day of my life was at a hunt.

1 point

An animal buying a house?


There's already schools for animals, but going to normal school would be ridiculous, woof, meow, tweet tweet, I wouldn't go to those schools. And besides they would never do there homework :(

animals are stupid, so they wouldn't be able to fill out the paper work, or even go ask for a house, or go on the Internet or anything else but poop in your yard.

And marrying animals? That's disgusting

All of y'all are crazy!!!

1 point

This is nonsense!!!!!

Why do y'all think animals are the same as humans?

First: if animals are equal to humans then they would be able to vote and animals are way too stupid to vote.

Second: if animals are equal to humans then hunting would be illegall, and if hunting is illegal, then there are way to many deer, then they eat all the grass, then there is no grass left, then they all DIE! There go all your animal friends, the same happens to the rest of the animals.

And anyway animals don't have souls and people do,so it would be unfair to treat them equally.

Annwad(14) Clarified
1 point

The only difference between all other animals and humans are that we have souls, they don't.

But other than that I completely agree with you.

1 point

So now we all have to go vegan? Is that what you're saying, cause there's no way I'm going vegan!

1 point

I have been hunting since I was little, and if you personally don't want to hunt, I'm okay with that, but don't go telling me that I can't go provide for my family, that I can't have a wonderful time, that I can't spend time with my family and friends, that I can't have an absolutely amazing time , cause that's what hunting is, we're not just crazy murderers that go killing poor innocent animals for fun.

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