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RSS Beast123

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

It doesnt matter whose gay or straight. You cant change a person who was normally born that way. Just like how you cant change a special ed kid to be the world's smartest person. Common sense people.

1 point

This is crap. You cant change a person if he or she was born that way. How rude can you be on this. You have no heart.

1 point

Yes, it should. Love is between 2 people. It shouldnt matter what the gender is or what gender they want to marry. Whats so wrong about it? Put yourself in their shoes wouldnt you want gay marriage to be allowed to so you can marry the one you love?

1 point

It doesnt hurt anyone. It all depends on the two person who decide to marry each other and live a happy life. Love is between 2 person not the whole world. Let it be, we cant change the way they think or feel. Gay marriage should be legalized.

1 point

It is consider rape because you are having sexually intercourse with her when she doesnt agree to it.

1 point

Lesbian and Gay are still human. Everyone has the same rights, so why treat them differently. Just because they dont like the opposite sex doesnt mean anything. Why worry about it? If it aint you then butt out. Lesbian and Gay has the right like everyone else and nothing should change that.

1 point

Whats wrong being gay? Or lesbian? I don't find anything wrong with that. You cant help who you fall in love with. Stop being such a douche bag about it. If it ain't you then leave it alone.

1 point

No. Teenagers shouldn't be having sex class or clubs at school. Thats just wrong and disrespectful. You go to school to learn not to met girls/guys to have sexual interact with. Also if the school can't even afford other better things for the school what makes you think they well be able to afford a sexual class for students at school. Plus your not suppose to be 16 and pregnant nor a dad. Live life and when i say that doesn't mean you have sex to live life. There's plenty of other things teenagers can do other then having sex or drinking or doing drugs. Also what if teachers got involved and started being a pedo to the students there? Think about it. This isn't such a good idea.

1 point

Whats wrong being gay or lesbian? I don't see a difference in them at all. Their all human being so why does it matter? Gay Marriage should be legalized in all 50 states because the state government cant choose who they want to marry but them. They have every right to be gay and lesbian.

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