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RSS BenCarson

Reward Points:58
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Excon thinks that a left wing murderer is a knock on the right not the left

Leftist mass murders a bunch of gay people? It's fine. Let's focus on his dad. No moron. Let's focus on him. He killed them, not his dad.

Leftists have no self awareness. They are Nihilists, so they don't see lying, spinning or making things up as bad if it helps them gain power. He dodged the actual murderer because he, like most leftists, doesn't actually care that anybody died. He cares about the next fake narrative about the right. That's how their minds work. You start off with the killer was a right winger. When that turns out false, the next move is to find something else in the story to pivot to and away from the actual story. If they can't do that, they drop the story and look for the next one to twist and lie about. That's who they are. You just have to accept that your political opponents have no moral compass or boundaries and deal with them as such.

2 points

I think they [Democrats] are assuming that things are as they always have been, and that is that the media would shield for them, that the people believe the media and that they could say and do pretty much anything they wanted. What they haven't taken to account is that people across this country are waking up. They're recognizing what's going on. They're recognizing the manipulation that is occurring. And I think they're going to see and pay a big price for it coming down the pike here.

-1 points

Can you be charged with manslaughter if you refuse to stay distant and you infect

Looks like you love tyranny. By your standard, you could nail anyone, sick from anything, including a cold or the flu. You could even get people with AIDS because they technically could get an open wound and their blood get into someone else's body accidentally.

0 points

There were no Muslims when the Bible was written. But you aren't educated, so that's a good excuse for being stupid.

1 point

Will the Democrats support a Muslim for President

Yes. Democrats agree with Islam's views on women and gays.

0 points

You support Islam's position on women, gays and atheists. Good to know.

1 point

McConnel can just block the entire thing. Let them have their circus for all of the normal people to see.

1 point

I'd like to hear about this job that burritolunch claims to have. If he has a job where he can debate and play skyrim all day, he really shouldn't be whining about capitalists being slave drivers.

2 points

Trump is NUTS!

If it takes nuts to continue to break economic records, protect the border, get unemployment down, and not get into new wars, count me in.

2 points

What exactly are you implying that it means? That non-manmade climate oscillations and climate cycles are real?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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