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RSS Billy_Bob

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I was banned by some liberal socialist commie because he hates America and our heavenly father. The hypocrisy of blinding themselves from the truth and claiming to be open minded is liberalism at it's very core. No big surprise.

1 point

1) God exists in our mind.

2) God is that which no being greater than can be conceived of.

3) God is greater if he is not a hypocrite.

4) God is not a hypocrite.

It's easy to look and say that that doesn't make any sense but it's harder for a liberal brain to point out what exactly is wrong with it. This whole debate is a liberal hoax.

1 point

This is fact. We really aren't monkeys, we are humans. Liberals are blinded to even this most basic distinction.

1 point

There is no such thing as a "suspected terrorist". If you want to apply some legal procedure into it then it should be the US at the receiving end of the punishment. We need to lock up these Arabs because they hate freedom and we have to fight them in the middle east so we don't have to fight them back home.

This is about war. There is a war of counter-terror on terror. We are protecting what is ours by right. The only empire in the world. Rice said the way to stop the war in Iraq is to cut the flow of foreign troops. She didn't mean us. We are not foreign, we are the force that is thriving freedom and leading the counter-terrorist operation of the coalition of the willing. Liberals can cry.

1 point

Here he attacks the very principles our country was founded on. To begin with we weren't founded a democracy. Much of the power was given to the senate that wasn't voted. Sometimes the liberals will argue they believe in the constitution but that lie is easy to dispel.

1 point

He was a jew until he was unjewified posthumously by Mormons. Though if you ask me all this debate about jews is really degrading to them. I thought you liberals would be against racism.

1 point

At least they are getting paid 01/19/child-slavery-and-chocolate-all-too-easy-to-find/

They are NOT getting paid. YOU are the one who has forgotten how unrighteous keeping slaves is. You are the one who shows no effort to find out anything about it, keeps preaching his double standard and with no responsibility in sight deludes himself into thinking his liberal agenda has anything to do with righteousness.

Where is your distinction between wage labor and slavery? There is no way to avoid violence or exploitation but you want to avoid responsibility. You don't have the balls to do what is necessary.

1 point

have slaves

We do already "have slaves". How do you think your chocolate was made? Delusional liberal, and that's not even counting wage labor, which is essentially the same thing if you think about it. There's no way to avoid exploitation or violence (the more humane version of it, because there is at least direct responsibility) to arrange society unless you're a utopian.

not eat pork

That has nothing to do with Christianity as taught by our lord and savior Jesus Christ and extended upon to not include the communist liberation theology which is a terrorist organization not intended by the gospel.

kill people for working on Sundays

Obviously not, sabbath is on saturday and it's a jewish tradition - I do wonder why jews are so rich despite working less. Perhaps the wise rules helped them. They have a cheaper diet for instance.

beat our wives

Only if necessary but that's the mans decision in the first place. I suppose there's a point that it's unnecessary with the new technology and so on, but I would argue it's not morally better to have a robot beat her instead.

0 points

Jesus was a Jew

Jesus wasn't a jew he was a christian. He founded it, and I would believe him ever if he was a jew. Actions speak louder than your racist presumptions.

using up resources like there is no tomorrow

Typical liberal lie. The resources belong to us. We are an empire not a liberal nation state unless you are blinded to that as well.

the effect it has on our planet

Our planet is fine. It's the people who are going if we don't stop the liberals.

American standards are a burden to human advancement

Now if you think American standards are unmeetable or something then you should just man up and walk it off. There's no reason to cry like a liberal.

1 point

Prison is also for the blasphemers, the public urinators, the alleged masturbators and those who so poor that they can't afford to go anywhere else. Prison is the minimum standard for living given to all who we can't understand. Making access harder isn't doing any good!

Winning Position: I hate America and Israel

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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