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RSS Birdie

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point




No, thank you.

1 point

I just meant that it would take some forethought to change spellings. It's something that could easily be overlooked and forgotten. Some people may not even know the spelling differs from country to country. Anyway, if he's faking, he's doing a jolly good job of it.

1 point

I hate to even take a side, because it's equally important to educate both boys and girls.

3 points

That's right. And the Left also wants to either cripple or abolish the second amendment.

1 point

Sorry, Bront. Nom is British, or at least Canadian. I can tell by the way he spelled "rationalised." No one could fake something down to a detail like that.

1 point

I have to agree with you about Death Note. I'm not an anime fan, in general, but I enjoyed that series.

2 points

I'm really sorry you've had a bad life, but just because you did doesn't mean you have the right to decide whether an innocent person lives or dies, or whether or not someone else should have the right to bear a child.

1 point

"Until World War 2 Eugenics was studied as a science in North America, Europe, Russia and Japan."

Exactly. Until World War 2. It fell out of favor pretty quickly after the world found out what the Nazis were doing. In the early 1920s, long before the Nazis began killing those people they deemed unworthy, proponents of eugenics were obsessed with propagating a "Nordic race," and keeping it "pure" from "inferior races." The idea that some people are inherently better than others, due to race or a physical/mental disability, is a dangerous one on which to build a philosophy.

If you have Amazon Prime video, a good documentary to watch is the PBS movie "American Experience: The Eugenics Crusade."

0 points

I'm assuming "antichoice" means that I'm opposed to aborting a disabled baby.

When a person decides who lives or dies based on physical and/or mental characteristics, it's called "eugenics," and it's a tactic employed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

There are literally people on waiting lists to adopt mentally and physically disabled children. There's no need to kill them.

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Biographical Information
Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Education: College Grad

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