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RSS Bisen

Reward Points:31
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3 points

I want to write reliable information to fully understand the importance of school uniforms.

According to psychologists Pskov: "The form should be introduced. Not every student can dress according to fashion. After all, as wearing a child, sometimes affects the attitude toward classmates. But it doesnt hurt the child's identity, since it can express, for example, hair or clothing)))

1 point

That there was no doubt I will list some examples of variables for beliefs

In Australia, India, Ireland. Each prestigious school has own logo, and students must come with a "brand" tie. School children love to wear uniforms and are proud of it.

Turkey, Singapore. Each school has own color, but a single style: for boys - costume, girls - blouse, skirt and sweater, for all - tie flower school. Thus, they stress that all are equal, regardless of socio-economic status of parents.

Japan - style school uniform doesn't change more than a century, students go to Sailor "Sailor fuku'. School uniforms for them - the standard of teen fashion. Japanese girls have it even outside the school.

1 point

I think you didnt understand my point. Do you understand the meaning of "option"? If you read the Phreekshow's argument , you'd understand .... maybe ... if the students knew all the rules, then we would not discuss this topic ...

3 points

Those who are against school uniforms--->

Health workers say that school uniforms protects children's health. The fashion of wearing AND denudative stomach has serious implications for the children's health. In this part of the body are nerves and blood vessels that affect the genitourinary tract and renal system.

1 point

School uniform disciplines the students. If you look at how our students dress up, you will be able faint. When each school has its own form, it unites the boys. They feel as a team.

In my opinion, the wearing of school uniforms

1. educates


3. instills children a sense of style and action.

The form provides equal opportunity for all parents

1. buy it

2. family budget

3. makes it possible to support low-income families.

With this in mind, Board of Education the Karaganda region recommended for departments of education to implement a school uniform with regard to the factors for children and parents.

1 point

Aliya, yes, I agree that the main purpose of education is teaching, but it depend on some conditions such as the Uniform which help to children for gainning knowledge. Attitudes to learning in children will be more serious if they are in Uniform =)

1 point

I'm thinking that cleanly students will need to have two pairs of school uniforms. At the time of the Soviet Union was a school uniform and no one complained.

1 point

I have worn a school uniform before. School uniforms aren't that bad! Think about when you get a job, you have to wear a uniform at a job even if it is a hat. Also school uniforms won't take away your personality. You can still express yourself in other ways. You don't have to wear something that can be found at a fashion show and wear it at school. School is a place of learning not a place for a fashion show. Like I said before, I have worn a school uniform before, back when I was in a private school. School uniforms are not ugly. So the question is, does it really matter if you wear a school uniform? The answer is NO. You can still express yourself, even if you wear a school uniform.

1 point

I actually like uniforms. I know, people are saying stuff that it doesn't let you express yourself and things like that, but that doesn't matter! In school, your not supposed to focus on what people wear. That's what you come to school for! It's not a fashion show where you show off your clothes and style and make fun of others, but that's just plain stupid. Uniforms take care of those problems, it's symbolizing that everyone is equal.

1 point

Well, suppose so. But we have a weekend where we can safely wash and go without delay to the pair. Besides if they produce a form, it will be sewn from a special fabric that dries quickly =)

Winning Position: cancel

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Biographical Information
Name: Bota Bisen
Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Kazakhstan

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